The Package | Teen Ink

The Package

May 13, 2019
By haileyferrara BRONZE, Destrehan, Louisiana
haileyferrara BRONZE, Destrehan, Louisiana
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

On a pleasant, mediocre October day, I was walking home from school. The wind had blown my curly brown hair into my face, which aggravated me a bit. I was already extremely upset because my irate friends and I had an altercation earlier that day about something unimportant; a pencil! I thought this altercation was from every little argument we had over the last few days being pent up and then released in this one, big, disagreement, but I could have been wrong. I fixed my hair by putting it into a Halloween scrunchie, and I tightened my shoelaces before walking onto my street. When I got to my house, I noticed there was a package on our doorstep! I always loved packages, mainly because they meant that I would be getting a present of some kind. Excitedly, I ripped open the package, not waiting for anyone else. To my surprise, there was nothing and the inside was completely empty. Ugh, this was a real disappointment because I thought I had gotten Halloween candy early from someone. Then, I remembered my friends and how during our argument, they said they would not be getting me any candy for Halloween, which is my birthday. This made me sad because Halloween is coming soon. I sadly walked inside my house, carrying the open package. My mom asked me what it was, and I told her it was just a box with nothing inside. She seemed to talk about the empty box very awkwardly, not looking me directly in the eye. I knew she was hiding something and I planned to find out. Later that night, I hurriedly finished my homework and got to business because I was going to look for clues. There was no dilemma when I started looking. I started in the kitchen because that is where my mom keeps her bills, mail, and important papers. I looked on the countertops, the table, and on the chairs, but I found absolutely nothing. Next, I checked in her home-office, which had so much junk everywhere. There were business files, tax forms, everything but a clue, and I was so close to giving up! The last place I looked was in the storage closet. My mom usually keeps birthday and holiday wrapping paper in there, so I thought I would give it a shot. Believe it or not, I found some orange, black, and purple balloons in the closet, which probably meant that we would be celebrating. I continued to search, and soon enough, I found a Halloween party invitation. At the top of the invitation, it said “Happy Halloween (and birthday), Kyleigh Jefferson. We hope it SPOOKS you to be 14!” It was a party just for me! I was so excited and hoped that everyone would come. The party invitation said it would be tomorrow! I placed the invitation on my bedside dresser and fell asleep. During the time I was sleeping, my mom must have checked on me and seen the invitation, because it was gone! I was scared she might terminate the party and admonish me for sneaking around. I waited until the party, at noon, and wanted to see what happened. At about eleven-fifty in the afternoon, I walked into the living room for my surprise party! All my family was there, and my friends too, saying they were pretending to argue with me all week so that I would be more excited and would not expect anything. I was so happy I had a party after all!

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