Colours | Teen Ink


December 21, 2018
By okkceli BRONZE, Stockton, California
okkceli BRONZE, Stockton, California
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Time really does go by fast, one moment you’re playing around outside wondering what sort of silly game you’ll play today with your imaginary friends, the next you’re waking up to an alarm that’s probably went off for the fifth time. The names Indigo and I really don’t like having to wake up from my very comfortable sleep, I’ve started my first year of highschool, it’s probably been a month, I don’t really keep track, but I for one can say it’s been hell so far. The only thing that’s keeping me going is my best friend Violet, been buddies for a very long time, since 1st grade we really connected and even classmate believed we were the perfect duo solely for our names but also for our personality. I really just go to school for Violet, she’s always so bubbly compared to myself, who is rather moody, maybe that’s why people don’t approach me, but it’s cool as long as I’m doing decent at school and I only ever really need my best friend.


That’s my name and it’s being called by someone I always get complains from, my teacher Mrs. Winchester, the coolest teacher out this entire school to be honest. I really do like her but I also do love my sleep.

“Please wake up from your slumber or I will have to call the office and I don’t wish to do so…”

Mrs. Winchester said to me as I raise my head from the desk, rubbing my eyes.

“...yeah... sorry Mrs. W…”

With that response she smiles at me and continues on with her lecture about, well I think it’s about J.F.K. or some other history dude. I really don’t pay attention in this class, it’s history and it’s boring so it’s perfect for me to sleep in and some guy in class does my work as long as I give him tips on how to be “cool”. I don’t consider myself one of those people but I’m not complaining.

The sound of the bell echoes throughout the school signaling us to leave class, I walk out smiling and not mainly because it was the last period, but because I get to see Violet. You see, we don’t have any classes together and even during our lunch she can’t since she has to stay behind class for some sort of program she’s in, so the only time we see each other is in the mornings and after school. Waiting by a tree under the shade, there she is, my body suddenly reacts by speeding up my pace, and halfway there she notices me, we make eye contact, her eyes beaming with joy and her smile is radiant.

“He-e-e-y! Hurry Indigo!”

Violet yells towards me as she waves her arms vigorously in the air. Just after she yells this at me, I starts sprinting towards her, and it just seems like such a long way to her.

“What’s wrong…?”

I say to her just as I stop myself in front of her, I catch my breath, a moment of silence came between us as we keep eye contact, then I noticed she’s holding two rather large objects behind her back. Violet is the one to break the silence, backing away quickly and taking a deep breath.

“You won’t believe what I just got us!”

She says so enthusiastically and right after just pulls her hand from behind her back, bringing the two objects to my face. They’re skateboards. I’m speechless, I don’t know how to put my feelings into words so I just stare at her face full of joy.

“Remember when we went out the other day and snapped our boards in half trying to do some insane tricks? We-e-e-ll, I got us some matching boards cause… why not!”

Violet hands me a skateboard, I take it from her and just stare blankly at it. I really am grateful to call her my best friend, and I wonder what would I do without her?

“...What’s wrong?”

She nudges my arm as she looks at me in confusion.

“’re so rad…”

I whisper to myself, perhaps she heard it because she suddenly breaks into smile. I reach my arms to her and give her a big ol’ hug, she ruffles my hair and we just stand there laughing at how wonderful we think of each other.

“Lets go test these babies out!”

Violet says this as she gives me a playful punch in the arm and smiles while she dashes away.

“H-hold up.”

I can’t really yell since my vocal cords only let me speak ever so softly, but it's all cool since I don’t really associate at school. I starts running behind her, she looks back at me and jumps on her board, I do the same and I eventually catch up to her.

“...I enjoy the times we spend riding.”

She giggle as he says this to me and well I reply with a smile.

“ too.”

Highschool has been hell for me, but I have one thing that keeps me going, keeps me from staying home, she’s everything to me and I couldn’t ask for more.

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