First Year in Marching Band | Teen Ink

First Year in Marching Band

October 2, 2018
By CalThorn BRONZE, Johns C Reek, Georgia
CalThorn BRONZE, Johns C Reek, Georgia
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This year I decided to join marching band because my sister has been in marching band since 8th grade and I always heard her talking about how fun it was and I wanted to see for myself. So, there was spring camp it was very hot outside every day and it was during summer before school started. Every day during spring camp we didn’t go outside at all and I was so happy, instead the whole band split up into sections and I when with Battery Percussion. Battery went in a room and we took all the drums that we could try out for. There was the Quads which have multiple different drums of different sizes and pitches, there was the Snares which everyone wants to try out for and there are the Basses there are 5 different basses which increase in size going from 1 to 5 and lower in pitch going from 1 to 5. I just wanted to be in Battery, so I tried out for all of them. There was another section for Percussion called the Front Ensemble or the Pit, they’re the ones who are in the front and don’t march. So, during spring camp we got to switch around and try out for all the drums and on the last day of spring camp we got to find out if we made it and what drum we were going to play. So, on the last day I found out that I made Battery and that I was going to march Bass 3, I was so happy when I got this news.

            Immediately after spring camp we started band camp. During band camp we first had to learn how to march with our drums on and my drum hurt my back bad because it was heavy. We went over marching for the first week. The second week we started to get music and we started practicing. It was very hard at first to learn all the counts that I had to play on, but it started to gradually get easier. All through band camp we worked harder and harder and then the whole band came together and it sounded pretty good for only having our music for 1 week.

            Then after band camp school started back and then we had afterschool practices. During after school practices for the first week we set drill. The second week we started to play and move, it sounded and looked better and better every day. Then the third week we had our first game and to show school spirit we marched through the halls and played our fight song and it was so loud and hot. It was really fun, we got the whole school pumped up for our first game.

            At our first game of the season we lost but the marching band had fun the entire time. We played stand tunes as loud as we could and got our everyone fired up. I remember everyone screaming and yelling when we got our first touchdown. I always love playing stand tunes at games because when you play Bass you can hit it as hard as you can and just have fun. During halftime the marching band had to play our show and I was so excited to march at a game for the first time. When we got on the field I looked at the sky and it was blue, orange, pink and yellow and it was beautiful. When we finished our run of the show we played our fight song coming off the field and we got everyone pumped up again. For the rest of the night we played stand tunes and had a blast and I loved it. I am so glad that I joined marching band this year. I’ve made so many new friends and I get to have so much fun at games and competitions against other bands.

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