The Fall of the Khwarazmian Empire | Teen Ink

The Fall of the Khwarazmian Empire

May 26, 2015
By 17ow01 BRONZE, Shenzhen, Other
17ow01 BRONZE, Shenzhen, Other
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Muhammad woke up and looked out of the window, the screams outside awakened him. He looked outside the window as he saw thousands of Mongolian soldiers marching into the city. The expression on his face showed how shocked he was cause this was far beyond what he expected, the army of Genghis Khan was feared around the world but he never expected it to be this big. He ran down the stairs to see his generals discussing, Muhammad asked them what possibilities existed to defend the capital but it seemed hopeless, Genghis Khan planned the attack perfectly. Khwarazmian was attacked by all sides and the city Bukhara already was conquered by the Mongols through a surprise attack. It only would be a matter of time until they reached the inner Samarkand. The methods the Mongolians were using during this invasion were brutal even for their standards. They used prisoners as body shields when marching into the cities and they slaughtered almost all of the cities population. Muhammad was hopeless because he knew the horror was coming, the Mongolian army was coming. There is no way to win such war, Genghis Khan will definitely kill him if he reaches the capital. He thought about all the possibilities; there weren’t many. He sat several hours talking to his generals preparing for the war, this was the only solution.The following day the army of Khwarazmian sent most of their troops to Samarkand, the capital. If they had to defend one city, then it was Samarkand. The troops went to prepare the defense. The Mongols could never pass these fortifications as they were superb, twenty meter high walls and with the 100,000 men defending the gates. The Mongolians planned several attacks but the fortifications were extremely good like Muhammad expected. But even this walls would fall after these many attacks. Hope was just for a short term as fifty thousand Khwarazmian soldiers were slaughtered on day five of the attacks. Every attempt of relieving the city failed, at the end the Mongols managed to conquer the capital and they killed almost all of the city population. They showed of their victory in raising pyramids of several heads of citizens as the symbol of Mongol victory.
Muhammad managed to flee to Urgench, he left Samarkand as the Mongolian army was already really close to his palace. The city was ruled by his mother but he hadn’t talk to her for a long time. Even though war was happening he hoped to see her again. When he arrived unfortunately his uncle told him that she fled to the Caspian Sea, she heard of the Mongolian attacks onto Khwarazmian and just left the city. His uncle was the second hand of his mother in Urgench. They talked about her a lot, sometimes his uncle would even visit him in the capital. His father died when he was really young, that’s why he doesn’t have any memories about him. His uncle since then played the father figure in his life. The sadness could be seen on his face, this made just everything worse. Urgench was the safest city but not because there were the most men guarding, the city was built alongside the river Amu Darya in a marshy delta area. The ground wasn’t made for siege warfare and the lack of large stones made using catapults almost impossible. Muhammad knew they have to defend this city as long as possible so the Mongols would stop their attacks and retreat. Several days passed as Mongolian casualties grew higher everyday. The Mongolian tactics weren’t made for this type of warfare, Muhammad knew that Genghis Khan would stop attacking when something seemed impossible to conquer. 50,000 Khwarazmian people were still living, the hope of surviving grew larger everyday. On day five their hope faded away again as they saw sixty thousand more soldiers arriving. How could the Mongolians still have so many more soldiers left? After all their casualties how could Genghis Khan still send this many soldiers. How was this still possible? So many questions but none could be answered. It was too late for Muhammad. The city would be conquered and everybody would die at the end. The Mongolians would never let somebody survive except artisans, these would be sent back to Mongolia and be used as workers. Children and women would also survive but would be taken slaves by soldiers. Muhammad was afraid, he as the Shah would have probably have a cruel death. Genghis Khan himself would kill him. As the time came for the mass execution, he dressed himself as a citizen; he wanted to die like his people, he didn’t want to leave them alone this time. The tears went down his eyes as he saw the mass execution in person this time. He wondered how they could be this cruel, all the heads separated from the bodies, the sight made him almost vomit. 
The Soldiers found out him being the Shah but they didn’t execute immediately. The Khan personally wanted to talk to him. As he entered the palace of the city where his mother once ruled. He saw the Khan in his normal pose. He was afraid, how would his death look like? A tear went down his face as he knew the Khan had something prepared for him. It was molten silver. Genghis Khan poured it down his throat, Muhammad screams could be heard in the whole city. This death was one of the most cruel deaths somebody could ever witness. At the end Genghis said one thing „ Sanjar you should always remember one thing, an army of donkeys led by a lion is better than an army of lions led by a donkey.“

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