Pharaoh Akhenaten | Teen Ink

Pharaoh Akhenaten

May 28, 2015
By CattyJ BRONZE, Usj, Other
CattyJ BRONZE, Usj, Other
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       It was in a desert in Egypt when it happened. There were a lot of pyramids there and I entered a pyramid of Amenhotep IV who changed his name to Pharaoh Akhenaten.There were a lot of guards standing near the tomb.

       The guards saw me and took me to Pharaoh Akhenaten. I tried to explain about how I got there but none of them believed me. Pharaoh Akhenaten told his guards that I should be executed for trespassing their sacred place. I pleaded for my life but they wouldn’t spare me.

      I begged and pleaded again and they finally decided not to execute me. I asked Pharaoh Akhenaten whether I could stay overnight because I had nowhere to go. He said he would discuss it with his wife whose name was Nefertiti. They allowed me to stay overnight but I couldn’t sleep that night.

        Because I couldn’t sleep, I went out to take some fresh air. But when I went out, I saw Pharaoh Akhenaten and Nefertiti discussing about the temples. Pharaoh Akhenaten wanted to close down all the temples in Egypt and create a new god named Aten. His wife simply agreed and they told the guards to make  an announcement.                    
    So the next morning, he went to all the temples in Egypt and started closing down all the temples.The citizens of Egypt were forced to worship Aten the God.  And he said those that refuses to worship Aten will be beheaded. He didn’t really liked to worship all the Egyptian Gods because he felt that it was too tiring.

          I was forced to worship God Aten too. I didn't want to worship God Aten so Pharaoh Akhenaten became really furious. He told his guards to behead me and not to give me another chance. The guards chased me around the pyramid. I hid myself in a corner where there were secret doors. The guards walked pass me without realising me. I was relieved and sniggered "Hah! You will never find me here!".

        After awhile, I started exploring the secret doors behind where I leaned against. A passcode was needed to unlock the doors. I sat down for a while and started thinking about how to unlock the passcode. As I was pondering, I noticed some wordings on the floor. I swept the sand away to take a closer look at the wordings.

          I saw symbols, numbers and not just that but I also saw a drawing of Pharaoh Akhenaten's first child. I figured that this could be the passcode. I keyed in the passcode and the secret doors were unlocked. I entered excitedly and the first thing I saw heaps of golds. I went towards the pile of gold and began to grab as much as I could and put them into my bag. I picked up something that felt soft in my hand. I looked and realised that it was a severed hand.

            I screamed once more but this time it was louder. I reminded myself to quickly lower my voice so no one could hear me. I analysed the hand and saw marks on the wrist. The hand was big so I suspected it would be a man's hand. I recognise the mark on the hand. It was the same mark on Pharaoh  Akhenaten's hand.

               I went deeper into the secret place and saw a mummy's tomb. I touched the tomb and the door opened suddenly. I was terrified. The mummy fell to the ground but I pretended like I wasn't the one that did it. I turned my back and started walking slowly. But before I could take a step away, the mummy grabbed hold of my leg and stood up. I was trembling and I prayed for my life.
        The mummy murmured something to me and I slowly turned to look. The mummy was directly in front of my face and in a shaky voice I said, "Yes?". The mummy kept on mumbling but I didn't understand anything. The mummy was angry because I couldn't understand a single word he said. He pointed at the hand that I was holding and he pointed to his hand. I realised that the hand belonged to him.

           I returned the hand and he bowed down to thank me profusely. I still didn't understand anything. He held me and took me somewhere. He took me to a wall and he picked up a carving tool. I was scared and slowly walk backwards  because I thought he wanted to kill me. He started carving the wall and he carved symbols on the wall.

           I saw the symbols and started to study it. I finally understood what the mummy was telling me. It was Akhenaten, he was the one who placed the mummy in the tomb. I was furious at Pharaoh Akhenaten. Why would he do that?

                The next thing I knew, the guards were near me. I quickly hid behind the tomb but the guards saw my leg. They ran to me and took me to Pharaoh Akhenaten. Pharaoh Akhenaten wanted to behead me but I asked him, "why would you kill your best friend? He became a mummy because of you. Who betrays their best friend?!". And he only said one thing, "because he killed my mother my beloved mother".

                  He told me what happened to their relationship. I comforted him and he told me that I was a good person. I told him that it was because people like me do not take things for granted.  He agreed and started being nice. He decided to open up all the temples again. And I asked him," what about God Aten?". And he said he only created it because he was greedy for wealth at that time. I told him that it was ok and everyone learns from their mistake.

                 Soon it was time to part. I thanked everyone there and told them not to do bad things. They all promised me that they will be good to each other. I went home safely and when I reached home, everything was back to normal. It felt like weeks in Egypt but only a day had passed. I was excited and shared the story to my friends, family and teachers. I was happy that everyone enjoyed my story. I wish that I could go back to Egypt for more adventure.

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