Untitled #1 | Teen Ink

Untitled #1

February 26, 2015
By Anonymous

My name is Natasha Hubermann. I am fourteen years old and I reside on a Hitler Youth Camp about ten miles away from Germany’s capital Berlin. I am tall, with fair skin, I was inducted into the Hitler Youth program at the age of ten years old. Everyday it is the same wake up at five a.m., run sixty meters in fourteen seconds, throw a ball twelve meters far, complete a two hour march, swim one-hundred meters and know how to make our beds. Boys trained for the military and girls trained for motherhood. New political paramilitary , religious, and sports oriented youth groups sprang up all over Germany.

These boys and girls enter our organization at ten years old. They get little fresh air and are told to go to a later church service. This was usually happening for about six to seven months. We learn the glory of warfare, and of the human composition of other races, along with a hatred for foreign peoples. Young girls from the age of ten onward were taken into organizations where they were taught only two things: To take care of their bodies and to reproduce so that more Hitler worshippers could be brought into the world. We are taught that we are an advanced civilization. Our physical traits are important too. Most of us have blonde hair and safe blue eyes.

Obedience is key when you are dealing with Nazis. Dont Follow their rules and you will die. It is heart breaking seeing what my great nation has become. Us children wish for a peaceful society, or as we call it a judgenkulter. An organization run by kids for kids that allows us to govern ourselves as a free society.

School life is no better. We are taught to obey Hitler in schools. At the beginning of every class everyone had to stand up and salute “Heil Hitler”. Hitler believed the future of Nazi Germany was it’s children. In 1936 Hitler banned all youth programs except for the Hitler youth program. Kids could report their parents for talking against Nazi’s. This lead to a punishment of jail.

That is all for now as i am about to head to school.

      freundlichen grüßen

The author's comments:

In my english class we were given the task of writing a creative piece on what it would be like to live through the holocaust. I chose to write my story from a biography stand point so that the readers could feel as if they are almost living through the traumatic events though none of us in this day in age can ever imagine what it would be like to live through the catastrophic moments and i hope that i portrayed that clearly in my writing.

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