Rinse and Repeat | Teen Ink

Rinse and Repeat

November 16, 2014
By Srinithi Vasudevan BRONZE, Basking Ridge, New Jersey
Srinithi Vasudevan BRONZE, Basking Ridge, New Jersey
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Narrator:  A long long time ago in 1929,when anything was possible was the most amazing world. There lived three best friends or even called so as the three musketeers . Walt the one with imagination, Albert the crazy genius, and Charlie the funny one together they could rule the world.
Albert(has a german accent): Everyone thinks I’m from Germany but I am actually from Utah it makes me so mad that I want to prove string theory all over again.
Charlie: At Least everyone knows you,most people think I’m a mime.
Walt: Guys the hula robots are acting weird instead of doing the macarena their doing the dougie.
Albert: Do you think it was Adolf?
The three stare at each other and nod
Walt: That guy is always trying to make our lives miserable.
Charlie: I know right. Remember the time Albert was trying to build that time machine to prove evolution.
Albert: Yeah he exploded the whole thing. Do you know how hard it was to find those parts? I still need the loch ness monster’s slime and big foots toe nails and they only show up once a year and that to only for 5 minutes.
Walt: What does he have against us?
Charlie: If we had that  time machine we could have gone back in time and figure out this guys problems.
Albert: Should we tell Mr. Coolidge
Walt: What is he going to do? He’s just a dummy president. With all the robots and technology we’ve created, we’re basically ruling ourselves.
Charlie: Why don’t we send spy bots to spy on Adolf.
Albert:(Impressed) That might be the most intelligent thing you ever said.
Charlie: Thank you! If you’ll excuse me I have to go take a bubble bath with Kenny the koala.
Narrator: While Charlie took a bubble bath, Walt and Albert set up a plot to spy on Adolf. They sent the spy bots to his address.
88 Natzi Apartments
Apartment 808
8008 German Broadway
Manhattan, NY
You'd be surprised what they found.

Walt: (throws his hands in the air) Can you believe those blueprints?
Charlie: I can’t believe he wants to kill Albert
Albert: He’s creating a line of evil robots, creating a remote controlled aeroplane to crash into the white house and he’s going to hack into my car to kill me. What did I ever do to him?
Charlie: This guy was way under rated.
Walt: It says he’s going to do all this by October 29
Charlie: What’s today?
Albert: It’s the 22nd, so I have exactly a week to fix this
Walt: Maybe if we can go back in time and see what bothered Adolf so much we can figure out a solution.
Albert: What about the slime and toe nails?
Charlie: What if we ask one of the robots to artificially create some slime and toe nails.
Walt: Were you always this smart?
Charlie: HAHA very funny.
Narrator: So the guys got the slime and toe nails and Albert started working on the time machine. He worked and worked for 3 days straight with the help of Walt and Charlie. By that time Albert looked like a hairy monkey with a lion’s mane.
Albert: (Albert with a beaming smile, throws up his arms) Done!
Walt and Charlie: (Approach Albert to hug him)Finally!
Charlie: Lets test it out!
All: Okay!
Walt: So what time period should we go to?
Charlie: Lets go to the 1889 Austria
Walt: Why?
Charlie: Thats when Adolf was born I need to know what happened to that guy from his childhood.
Albert: Okay. Let’s go !
Narrator: The guys are looking to through Adolf’s past.
Walt: Man I really feel bad for this guy he had an awful childhood.
Charlie: Looks like he always wanted to take over the world.
Albert: (Confused)Yeah, but what does he have against me
Walt: (Eyes widening)Wait! look during its your college orientation.
Charlie: Damn... he’s eyeing you like your a piece of candy.
Walt: What’s happening to his pants?!?
All three (shocked): He’s gay and had a crush on Albert.
Albert: He asked me if he could room with me but, I told him I already had a roommate since my mom was very kosher so she made her friend’s son Mendell my room mate. So that’s why he’s  been jealous of jewish people ever since.
Charlie: Wow his veins are popping as big as Medusa's snakes. He’s really motivated to take over the world and he wants to kill you first.
Albert: ( Angry)Can you believe that guy. Something so little that he wants to kill a guy.
Walt: Well you rejected the guy, anyways let’s look at the future.
Narrator: 10 years into the future. Adolf Hitler in control.
Charlie: This is a nightmare. Can you believe we are his servants?
Albert: We can't let this happen. He somehow managed to make everybody look like him and looks like he’s on his way to control Asia.
Narrator: As they go through the years they see more and more people having the same motives as Adolf.
Albert: We need to destroy everything.
Charlie: (Shocked)Why? What do you mean everything??
Walt: What! Even candyland and the little mouse robots that became a couple. I named them Mickey and Minnie.
Albert: You guys saw what's going to happen if its not Adolf, its Mussolini, or Stalin or Kim Jong un
Charlie: ( Moving his mouth with the syllables)Kim Juh uun what a fun name to say.
Albert: Focus. All I’m saying is that no matter what we do to Adolf there is always going to be someone who wants to do the same. Besides its the best for everyone you saw what happen to our upcoming president Hoover. He never did anything that he got so fat and got stuck in a bath tub. People need to start experiencing life than letting technology do it for them. If we destroy all the kinds of technology now we can at least slow the process and let people just enjoy life.
Narrator: They found that Adolf was going to throw a party when he killed Albert. So they thought if that happened they would have some time to put a self destruction button on all the robots. They decided to put a dummy robot which could drive that looked just like Albert in his car. They first had make sure Adolf was looking and that Albert was actually getting into the car. As the car drove albert rolled out the other side. When the robot pressed the brakes the car exploded. Adolf was jumping with glee at the sight of Albert’s death. He was so happy that he actually threw a party and it was rumored that Jay Gatsby the multi millionaire from west egg showed up. It also rumored that he was searching for a girl named Daisy. Who’d known that Adolf actually talked to girls. The three guys entered  Adolf’s wondrous metal palace in disguise as the evil robots.
Charlie: Are sure they are not going to notice?
Walt: (Shushing Charlie) Just be quiet and everything will be fine.
Albert: Ok so I have precisely added the right amount of elements to make the perfect metal, that when pasted on a robot will send vibrations to their main control center. We can control them with this remote to do whatever we say.
Charlie: (Grabbing the chip from Albert)Cool can I see that!
Narrator: Before they could successfully complete their mission one of the evil robots found out they were intruders and put them in a glass container.
Walt: We are so lucky that Adolf isn’t answering his hologram.
Albert: Yeah or else I am going to be killed for real life.
Walt: What are we going to do now?
Charlie: No problem.
Albert: what do you mean?
Charlie: When the robot was taking us in, I put the metal piece on its shoulder. Now we can tell it to destroy all the robots with the remote.
Walt: ( laughing)I don’t get your brain.
Narrator: In minutes the robot destroyed everything and they made sure that this robot would tell other robots to destroy each other. Adolf was furious but Walt made the robot capture him and lock him up in a glass container.
Albert: Guys you know what this means.
Walt and Charlie: What?
Albert: We need to brainwash everyone. Including us.
Charlie:(Confused) Why?
Walt: Why us?
Albert: Because know one can ever know that a world like this ever existed. That means us too.
Walt: Don’t they say that history repeats itself so this is going to happen again sometime.So why can’t we just know.
Albert: Things will just get complicated.
Charlie: I already don’t know what we’re going to do with our lives, we spent half of our lives in that lab.
Albert: I think we will live.
Narrator: So Albert brainwashed everyone by spraying brainwasher on everyone using a remote helicopter that travels at light speed. It was their first invention. They took a moment to flash back all their memories together. After they brainwashed the whole earth the guys smashed it with their own hands. Walt took the bottle sprayed some on himself and the others. They just fainted in that spot. When they woke up everything was different, they just stared blankly at each other. They knew something happened but couldn’t figure out what. It was October 29, 1929 it seemed like the whole earth was in a depression.Our heroes continued their lives Albert Einstein started concentrating on physics and chemistry and put his brain to use by becoming a famous scientist, Walt Disney used his vast imagination to become a cartoonist , Charlie Chaplin became a famous comedian and actor and last but the least Adolf Hitler put his angry ways into the army but, who knows what he’ll do. So as you can see even though technology is still a big part of their world it’s not all of it. As Albert said before, “start experiencing life and don’t let technology do it for you.”

Rinse and Repeat
Narrator:  A long long time ago in 1929,when anything was possible was the most amazing world. There lived three best friends or even called so as the three musketeers . Walt the one with imagination, Albert the crazy genius, and Charlie the funny one together they could rule the world.
Albert(has a german accent): Everyone thinks I’m from Germany but I am actually from Utah it makes me so mad that I want to prove string theory all over again.
Charlie: At Least everyone knows you,most people think I’m a mime.
Walt: Guys the hula robots are acting weird instead of doing the macarena their doing the dougie.
Albert: Do you think it was Adolf?
The three stare at each other and nod
Walt: That guy is always trying to make our lives miserable.
Charlie: I know right. Remember the time Albert was trying to build that time machine to prove evolution.
Albert: Yeah he exploded the whole thing. Do you know how hard it was to find those parts? I still need the loch ness monster’s slime and big foots toe nails and they only show up once a year and that to only for 5 minutes.
Walt: What does he have against us?
Charlie: If we had that  time machine we could have gone back in time and figure out this guys problems.
Albert: Should we tell Mr. Coolidge
Walt: What is he going to do? He’s just a dummy president. With all the robots and technology we’ve created, we’re basically ruling ourselves.
Charlie: Why don’t we send spy bots to spy on Adolf.
Albert:(Impressed) That might be the most intelligent thing you ever said.
Charlie: Thank you! If you’ll excuse me I have to go take a bubble bath with Kenny the koala.
Narrator: While Charlie took a bubble bath, Walt and Albert set up a plot to spy on Adolf. They sent the spy bots to his address.
88 Natzi Apartments
Apartment 808
8008 German Broadway
Manhattan, NY
You'd be surprised what they found.

Walt: (throws his hands in the air) Can you believe those blueprints?
Charlie: I can’t believe he wants to kill Albert
Albert: He’s creating a line of evil robots, creating a remote controlled aeroplane to crash into the white house and he’s going to hack into my car to kill me. What did I ever do to him?
Charlie: This guy was way under rated.
Walt: It says he’s going to do all this by October 29
Charlie: What’s today?
Albert: It’s the 22nd, so I have exactly a week to fix this
Walt: Maybe if we can go back in time and see what bothered Adolf so much we can figure out a solution.
Albert: What about the slime and toe nails?
Charlie: What if we ask one of the robots to artificially create some slime and toe nails.
Walt: Were you always this smart?
Charlie: HAHA very funny.
Narrator: So the guys got the slime and toe nails and Albert started working on the time machine. He worked and worked for 3 days straight with the help of Walt and Charlie. By that time Albert looked like a hairy monkey with a lion’s mane.
Albert: (Albert with a beaming smile, throws up his arms) Done!
Walt and Charlie: (Approach Albert to hug him)Finally!
Charlie: Lets test it out!
All: Okay!
Walt: So what time period should we go to?
Charlie: Lets go to the 1889 Austria
Walt: Why?
Charlie: Thats when Adolf was born I need to know what happened to that guy from his childhood.
Albert: Okay. Let’s go !
Narrator: The guys are looking to through Adolf’s past.
Walt: Man I really feel bad for this guy he had an awful childhood.
Charlie: Looks like he always wanted to take over the world.
Albert: (Confused)Yeah, but what does he have against me
Walt: (Eyes widening)Wait! look during its your college orientation.
Charlie: Damn... he’s eyeing you like your a piece of candy.
Walt: What’s happening to his pants?!?
All three (shocked): He’s gay and had a crush on Albert.
Albert: He asked me if he could room with me but, I told him I already had a roommate since my mom was very kosher so she made her friend’s son Mendell my room mate. So that’s why he’s  been jealous of jewish people ever since.
Charlie: Wow his veins are popping as big as Medusa's snakes. He’s really motivated to take over the world and he wants to kill you first.
Albert: ( Angry)Can you believe that guy. Something so little that he wants to kill a guy.
Walt: Well you rejected the guy, anyways let’s look at the future.
Narrator: 10 years into the future. Adolf Hitler in control.
Charlie: This is a nightmare. Can you believe we are his servants?
Albert: We can't let this happen. He somehow managed to make everybody look like him and looks like he’s on his way to control Asia.
Narrator: As they go through the years they see more and more people having the same motives as Adolf.
Albert: We need to destroy everything.
Charlie: (Shocked)Why? What do you mean everything??
Walt: What! Even candyland and the little mouse robots that became a couple. I named them Mickey and Minnie.
Albert: You guys saw what's going to happen if its not Adolf, its Mussolini, or Stalin or Kim Jong un
Charlie: ( Moving his mouth with the syllables)Kim Juh uun what a fun name to say.
Albert: Focus. All I’m saying is that no matter what we do to Adolf there is always going to be someone who wants to do the same. Besides its the best for everyone you saw what happen to our upcoming president Hoover. He never did anything that he got so fat and got stuck in a bath tub. People need to start experiencing life than letting technology do it for them. If we destroy all the kinds of technology now we can at least slow the process and let people just enjoy life.
Narrator: They found that Adolf was going to throw a party when he killed Albert. So they thought if that happened they would have some time to put a self destruction button on all the robots. They decided to put a dummy robot which could drive that looked just like Albert in his car. They first had make sure Adolf was looking and that Albert was actually getting into the car. As the car drove albert rolled out the other side. When the robot pressed the brakes the car exploded. Adolf was jumping with glee at the sight of Albert’s death. He was so happy that he actually threw a party and it was rumored that Jay Gatsby the multi millionaire from west egg showed up. It also rumored that he was searching for a girl named Daisy. Who’d known that Adolf actually talked to girls. The three guys entered  Adolf’s wondrous metal palace in disguise as the evil robots.
Charlie: Are sure they are not going to notice?
Walt: (Shushing Charlie) Just be quiet and everything will be fine.
Albert: Ok so I have precisely added the right amount of elements to make the perfect metal, that when pasted on a robot will send vibrations to their main control center. We can control them with this remote to do whatever we say.
Charlie: (Grabbing the chip from Albert)Cool can I see that!
Narrator: Before they could successfully complete their mission one of the evil robots found out they were intruders and put them in a glass container.
Walt: We are so lucky that Adolf isn’t answering his hologram.
Albert: Yeah or else I am going to be killed for real life.
Walt: What are we going to do now?
Charlie: No problem.
Albert: what do you mean?
Charlie: When the robot was taking us in, I put the metal piece on its shoulder. Now we can tell it to destroy all the robots with the remote.
Walt: ( laughing)I don’t get your brain.
Narrator: In minutes the robot destroyed everything and they made sure that this robot would tell other robots to destroy each other. Adolf was furious but Walt made the robot capture him and lock him up in a glass container.
Albert: Guys you know what this means.
Walt and Charlie: What?
Albert: We need to brainwash everyone. Including us.
Charlie:(Confused) Why?
Walt: Why us?
Albert: Because know one can ever know that a world like this ever existed. That means us too.
Walt: Don’t they say that history repeats itself so this is going to happen again sometime.So why can’t we just know.
Albert: Things will just get complicated.
Charlie: I already don’t know what we’re going to do with our lives, we spent half of our lives in that lab.
Albert: I think we will live.
Narrator: So Albert brainwashed everyone by spraying brainwasher on everyone using a remote helicopter that travels at light speed. It was their first invention. They took a moment to flash back all their memories together. After they brainwashed the whole earth the guys smashed it with their own hands. Walt took the bottle sprayed some on himself and the others. They just fainted in that spot. When they woke up everything was different, they just stared blankly at each other. They knew something happened but couldn’t figure out what. It was October 29, 1929 it seemed like the whole earth was in a depression.Our heroes continued their lives Albert Einstein started concentrating on physics and chemistry and put his brain to use by becoming a famous scientist, Walt Disney used his vast imagination to become a cartoonist , Charlie Chaplin became a famous comedian and actor and last but the least Adolf Hitler put his angry ways into the army but, who knows what he’ll do. So as you can see even though technology is still a big part of their world it’s not all of it. As Albert said before, “start experiencing life and don’t let technology do it for you.”

The author's comments:

I got inspired to write this story from Kurt Vonnegut. As his stories always have some type of historical connection and their worlds are really topsy turvy. I decided to use some of the aspects as all my characters are historical figures but in a different point of view. Also a lot of the story has allusions to Hitler’s actual life. Such as his address obviously “ Natzi apartments” and I used the 88 a lot in it as that was his number that everyone honored him by. I also wanted to talk about the fact that there is always going to be dictator or some type of evil in the world but there will always be the good people; use the cliche idea that the good will always win and that who you want root for and this was also an inspiration from Vonnegut.
This topics timeliness is that as the growth of technology increases,the more it can be abused. Technology is already abused with online hacking, using nuclear weapons as a means of destruction and even recently there was a huge crisis right in Basking about using technology.  If seventh graders are able to do it, there are certainly more capable people in the world to do serious things. In one of the sources that I read was about why we should fear technology. The whole article was about how technology is such a great thing until it gets in the wrong hands. One of the examples was how one of the terrorist planned and attack on the pentagon using a remote controlled aeroplane. I also alluded to this in this story when I talked about Hitler’s plot to do the same to the whitehouse.
There are various social commentaries in this story. One of them is that, as the  use of technology increases there are more chances of abusing it. Especially, when Adolf creates a ¨ a line of evil robots" to take over the world,showing the misuse of robots. Also the allusions of Herbert Hoover getting stuck in the bathtub was to display that he never did anything as technology could do it for him. Albert makes a statement saying to, “start experiencing life and don’t let technology do it for you.”  I thought it was a powerful quote to advise people. I think this can really relate to our lives even now. Due to the growing technology most people revolve around their phones, laptops and TVs. No one really care what else going around them. Instead of going and visiting their grandma and grandpa they can just facetime them. I’ve done this too and I regret it as someone might look fine in laptop but, you don't really know what going until it’s too late. The entire story reflects a theme of history repeating itself. Hence the title Rinse and Repeat as most times we just rinse the past out of our minds that the same things repeat over and over again. Overall, this story has a weird, strange, crazy feel to it and a lot of black humor.

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This article has 2 comments.

puppylover said...
on Nov. 29 2014 at 1:09 pm
It's so cool

lala said...
on Nov. 29 2014 at 1:02 pm
It's weird but really cool at the same time!