Letters to Abigail | Teen Ink

Letters to Abigail

May 15, 2014
By MeganWozniakk BRONZE, Crystal Lake, Illinois
MeganWozniakk BRONZE, Crystal Lake, Illinois
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

June 13,1862

Dear Abigail,

I miss having a motherly figure by my side. I am very homesick because it is unbearable not being with you. There is no talk of slavery up here but there is talk about us southerners. They always criticize us about how crude we are to colored people, like you. All I want to do is to tell them that that is not the truth. You know as well as I that I cannot tell them that my father owns a slave plantation. I got the paper today with the 5 cents that you gave me. I don’t know if y'all heard this down South but here Lincoln is talkin about freein the slaves! How wonderful is that. The Emancipation Proclamation. Once slaves are free, you can do whatever you like. Imagine saying that for a change. I have really thought about a lot ever since I received the paper, non-stop thinkin' about where you will go once you are freed. I'm not sure my father will have enough generosity to let you to stay in our house. But I have an idea. You can come live up North with me until I've finished my education. Just you, me, and your baby. My father does not deserve a child that he will create into working for him and the North has many opportunities for all of us. Please, please consider it.
Ever since my mother died, from thyroid disease you are all that I have ever had. For comfort, for support, for love. You are my mother, and you mean more to me than I ever thought you could and would. Staying up here means we can be together for as long as we would like. Our lives can be so much better than we ever thought that they could be. I mean c’mon you won’t have to be forced to do anything.
Even though you were treated differently than the other slaves on my father's plantation, you were still working up to 18 hours a day with no pay. Some people on the plantation like Frank and Andy were whipped. Since he has 439 slaves on the plantation, he doesn't have the time to care for most of the slaves. When Frances wasn't comfortable sleeping the first night he came to the plantation, father made him sleep outside due to his complaints. But the outdoor conditions were probably better. Those little cabins aren't pleasant. I don’t ever think that I will ever forgive my father for what he has done to other people. I could be that baby in your womb right now and once I was born, I could be working for him as well. Just because I’m white I have the privileges of not being enslaved.
We are all better off staying up North as long as we can because them Southerners always have a trick up their sleeve. I’m sure that both of us know that. It isn't guaranteed that people aren't going to stop being prejudice against African Americans. Discrimination against the colored will not be tolerated up North and you wont have to worry about your baby growin up around the whites.
Once the Emancipation Proclamation happens, the slaves will be freed from all plantations but there is no guarantee of finding a home as well as a job. Up here, I have an education, best schools in the North and you and the little one can have an opportunity as well. My father has given some money already to pursue my life and told me once I was done with school I would be given more money to extend my time living in the North. Once you have a job, you could help me with my expenses.
I certainly know why you should come to the North. Opportunities and anti-racism. What is there in the South? Where are you supposed to go if my father has to let you go? Just because people cannot own slaves doesn't mean that you won't be treated like one. I have no idea what I would do without you in my life. And I do not think I can bear seeing and hearing the things that people say and do to you. I am sick of it and I am sure you are more than I. We just need to escape.

I know that the situation that you are in is difficult, but being free you have to consider living life to the fullest. And whenever I am with you I am living my life to the best of my abilities. I know once we escape from our differently troubled lives everything will be perfect and I can just see it. Mostly anything we desire, we can have. Hopefully you will enjoy thinking about what living up North can mean for us. You may not want to mention this to my father because I am sure he will not approve. I will send him a letter soon enough tellin him about what may be happenin. I hope he does not have a plan for you. Please send back soon. I am missin you dearly and cannot wait to hear your plans and what you have to say.

Love you lots,

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