Sam Meeker | Teen Ink

Sam Meeker

March 16, 2014
By Briahna SILVER, Lancaster, Ohio
Briahna SILVER, Lancaster, Ohio
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Mind over matter

I am about to return home from fighting for the Patriots against the Lobster backs. My family thought that I was off at Yale attending college which I was, until a spark ignited inside of me. I realized that rebels were right, we the Americans should be free, and so I enlisted. I can’t wait to see Mother and Tim and Betsy Read. I want to see father too but I’m afraid of what he’ll say and do, seeing as he is an absolute Loyalist and I’m fighting for the Patriots. I shall continue my journey tomorrow but for now I will just sleep.



I arrived home fully clad in my Patriots uniform. I felt so proud and I hoped father would be too. When I entered the tavern I saw mother, father, and Tim for the first time since Christmas. Because I didn’t show it they had no idea how glad I was to see them all. Mr. Beach and a couple of farmers were there as well. After I had explained all about the war, and my part in it, and how the minutemen had beaten the British army in a battle, I could tell father wasn’t happy with me or proud. I wished he would have at least pretended to be. It seemed like anything I ever did wasn’t enough. That’s why we fight as often as we do. I began to eat and explain more but father snapped and right then I knew this wasn’t going to be a pleasant visit. After dinner Tim asked me to help with the chores. I really wanted to but I didn’t want to seem like any more of a child to father than what I already did. I did go out to the stables to talk with Tim. We talked of my college life, my friends, the war, and telling points. I knew I would eventually tell him the real reason why I was here. I told him I had come for our gun the Brown Bess. Then we talked or rather argued about it, later I tried to talk father into giving it to which just led to more arguing. It was then I realized if I wanted the Brown Bess I was going to have to steal it.


After mine and father’s fight last night I went where I go every time we fight; Tom Warrups’ hut. Tom is the grandson of a great Indian chief, Chief Chicken. He is a friend to all in Redding. I still don’t know how I’m going to get the Brown Bess but I will somehow. I have to see Tim again if I don’t I would feel terrible there’s so much I have left to tell him, he loves my stories and I love telling him them. I’ll ask Tom to have Tim to come over after church. And I still have yet to see Betsy Read; we really need to catch up.


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