Poseidon Reveals He Sometimes Sinks Ships | Teen Ink

Poseidon Reveals He Sometimes Sinks Ships

November 26, 2013
By KeeleyJae BRONZE, Tempe, Arizona
KeeleyJae BRONZE, Tempe, Arizona
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Live the life you love
Love the life you live

Poseidon took some time out of his busy schedule of controlling the seas to give an interview to one of our best reporters. Poseidon spoke about how with so many ships sailing the seas he figured many would not be missed and sinking a few is no big deal. Poseidon said he saw the people drowning but thought this was a good test of their swimming skills.

Poseidon was commenting on how there are so many ships sailing many different routes that one or two every now and then. Poseidon said, “the land people need to be tested every once and a while on the swimming skills. The water is a powerful thing.” When asked what the main reason is for sinking the ships, the god of the sea said that his favorite thing about the sunken ships is the sea animals that move in. The God of the Sea said that this originally started sinking ships as a test to see if any sea animals would move in.

The god of the sea said he really wanted to start with a bang and decided to move an iceberg a couple meters in a different direction. “I thought it was a great way to start with something so big that could easily hold so many sea animals!” The sea god said the ship created quite the buzz around the sea life so he just had to keep going. Though he did state that he had not done a ship that large since the beginning.

“I have to find the right boat, last month there was this boat going along the surface and was so weighed down that it was disturbing the fish, witch disturbed the entire echo system. I though, hey I haven’t sunk a ship in like a couple weeks, this one looks great.” Poseidon said about how he chose his ships that were to sink. When reporter asked what happened to the people on board we simply shrugged and said that was unimportant to them. Though Poseidon did say that, “this is not an every day or week kind of thing.”

When looking to see the recent shipwrecks and capsizing they are all clustered in the European area, the reporter asked if there was anything in that area that made it more likely to be sunk the god of the sea said it was where he was visiting at the time. This makes your wonder what ship will sink next.
When asked to comment on how he chose his ship to sink, the god of the sea said that the new ships used to be the ones he went for as they were going to stand against time the best but recently the fish have said that they like all of them the same so now its just a matter of “eenie meenie miney mo.”

When asked Poseidon said that his brother Zeus sometimes does similar things but did not want to give away his tricks.

Poseidon has said that he has got much better at not disturbing the boats unless to sink them. At the beginning of time Poseidon said that, “I used to in the middle of the night move a ship from where it was and watch the land people try to figure out where they are now and how to get home or to land. That was always so funny.” Though the humor was lost on us, the god of the sea did say that after a couple days he would put the boat back where he found it and watch the mayhem happen again.

“The best trick I ever did was the Bermuda triangle, that s*** is funny.” The God of the sea said, “every once and a while I let a boat go through unscratched but usually I like to sink them, Zeus and I tag team there.”

The author's comments:
This is a satire piece that is meant to bring a smile to your face

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on Nov. 30 2013 at 12:22 am
theatregirl PLATINUM, Lathrup Village, Michigan
30 articles 12 photos 209 comments

Favorite Quote:
"To thine own self be true," -from Hamlet, a play by Shakespeare.
"I have sworn on the altar of god eternal hostility against all forms of tyranny over the mind of man." - Thomas Jefferson

I love it!!! Keep writing, the satire is great and idea simple and funny. You should do a series using other Greek gods , lololol. Like idk, Athena makes everyone suck at jeopardy. Idk,but maybe you come up with better ideas. Keep writing