The Hero's Fight Back | Teen Ink

The Hero's Fight Back

October 8, 2013
By Jacob Nykiel BRONZE, Bremen, Indiana
Jacob Nykiel BRONZE, Bremen, Indiana
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

R2D2 AND C3PO hear something in the bathroom. They are afraid and start beeping.

“BEEP BOOP BAAP.” They creep to the door and hear an explosion. (BOOOOOM) They need to take a shower and smell good because they are doing a job interview in the morning. They open the door, and there is Darth Maul, waiting to steal their cologne. R2D2 beeps as loud as he can but to no avail. All the sudden, C3PO comes and saves his cologne! They are best friends and are in love, but the fight isn't over yet!

Darth Maul pulls his light saber out and tries to slice open their cologne. C3PO darts at him saying,

“Don't hurt my true love R2D2.” Darth Maul is scared. Suddenly the light saber goes wild! It swings out of control and kills Darth Maul. R2D2 is so happy and C3PO is so upset that they will miss the interview because it is 8:49A.M. and the interview is at 9:00 A.M. They have to be quick. In order to save time, they must ride each other to get there quickly.

“But wait! We forgot the cologne”. They put the cologne on and ride off to the interview. They make it at 8:59 A.M and get the job.

Later that year, they get married and live on for the next 5 years. After they die, they will never see each other again, until 96 years more ahead of time. That is when the adventure happened.

Darth Maul's twin kills the author, and the story is never finished. All we know is the author is never seen again. The last of R2D2 and C3PO is when they discovered the bathroom of dreams. The next time you hear this story, remember to look behind your baaaaa.............. AND THAT WAS THE END!!!!! (OF THAT SERIES) DA DA DAAAAAAAAAA!!!!

Series 2

One day, R2D2 is suddenly in the Death Star with C3PO and Darth Vador .The death star is a round HUGE space ship. Vader's plan is to combine R2D2 and C3PO together to create an evil morph that will destroy the entire world.

“Darth Vader, please don't ruin the whole world, we stand no chance against the Death Star and you.” says C3PO

“You puny electronic devices stand no chance against me and the emperor!”

“But Vader, BEEP BOOP BOOP BEOP, I need to see R2D2 one last time before we convert into one evil morph.” C3PO says.

“NO, YOU MAY NOT SEE R2D2” DA DA DA DAAAAAAAAAA!!!! Vader says. Right then, R2D2 knocks Darth Vador out for a split second, by shocking him with his belly button cannon.

“HA, you can never take me you puny beeping device with no life!” says Vader

“C3PO, RUN!!!!” R2D2 says

“Not without you R2D2.” Quick out of the blue, Vador falls out the side of the Death Star. Then the Emperor comes flying in!

“WELL WELL WELL, it seems as if you think you can control the Death Star.” says Emperor.

“Well we certainly can try.” says R2D2

Well, you will have to get by ME!” All of the sudden, R2D2 perishes and C3PO has to fight all on his own.

C3PO waddles to R2D2 trying to get him to turn back on but R2D2 seems he is dead. C3PO is weak by Emperor and is slowed.

“HAHAHA, you stand no chance against the death star!” says Emperor

“Give up now and I won't blow the death star up to pieces killing you and me!” says C3PO

“Now how will you do that?” says Vader

“With 2 pushes of this button right here.” says C3PO

“You don't have the man power to do it!” says Emperor

“TRY ME!!” C3PO pushes the button twice, and the death star starts to blow. Almost instantly Emperor dies, and C3PO grabs R2D2. They escape the back door and get into the spare ship and fly to Dagobah to learn the fighting skills from Yoda.

After that day, nobody knows what happened after that. The last thing we know is that R2D2 and C3PO conquered the entire world and every world possible.

The author's comments:
This includes R2D2 and C3PO conquering the world.

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