The Last Call | Teen Ink

The Last Call

November 2, 2012
By Bieberfever BRONZE, Holyoke, Massachusetts
Bieberfever BRONZE, Holyoke, Massachusetts
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

The day my mother passed away on 9/11 was like a nightmare. It all started as a simple beautiful day in my mom’s condo in New York City. Bird’s chirping gave me a happy feeling. I was sitting down on the couch watching SpongeBob eating cereal. Then I heard the door creak. It was my mom. She gave me a kiss on the forehead and walked to the fridge. I was only about five years old. I heard my mother talking on the phone. I was very nosy to hear what she was saying. I got up and hid under the table.

“So yea. Your going to watch her while I work. Sounds like a plan. Alright bye.” I heard my mother hanging up the phone and take one big sigh.
“Honey I have to go to work. “ she sighed again. This was the beginning of a nightmare.

While my mother got dressed for work the doorbell rang. It was my father. He picked me up and carried me to the couch. I haven’t seen him in a while. As soon as my dad came my mom opened the door. She gave me a kiss and walked straight out the door. I noticed she never even looked or said anything to my dad.

My day was boring as usual. I watched my favorite episode of Dora and ate candy that my father bought for me. I didn’t really care if it was early in the morning to eat candy. I walked slowly to the window to see the craziness outside. It was a normal day. Until I saw a plane run straight to my mothers building. I thought it was just a dream. Smoke and fire started to form.

I was shocked to see what just happen. My dad ran to the window to see what was all the trouble that was going on. He took his phone as quickly as possible and tried calling my mom’s office. Unfortunately the line was busy. I stayed near the window thinking what was going on? A tear went down my cheek. My father picked me up and we started hugging one another. “Everything will be alright,” he whispered in my ear. I didn’t know what to say. I just stood near the window and watched. I watched all the ambulances and police. The sirens made me jump.

My father was watching television by the time the plane crashed. Walking back and forth. He was nervous. All of the sudden my dad’s phone started to ring. It was a private caller.

“H-hello?” I began to studder.

“Ariel it’s your mom. I just wanted to say to never look back and I love you. We will see each other someday.” Then she hung up. That was the last time I talked to her. Then the whole building shook. I looked outside to see rumble and dust everywhere. My mom building wasn’t there. Cold tears began to form. My father quickly ran into the room and cried. I ran out the door outside. I wanted to hug my mom. I wanted to tell her everything will be alright but I couldn’t. She was gone. Now it’s my time to be with her.

I ran outside in the dust. I couldn’t breathe or see anything. I wanted to be with my mother. I stopped running and laid down.

That morning, an old man found Ariel lying on the ground. She wasn’t moving or breathing. As soon as he picked her up he called an ambulance. He wasn’t sure what happened to her. He kissed her forehead and played with her hair. A tear rolled down in the old mans cheek and landed on the girl, her skin was pale as snow, and her hair covered in dust. He laid her down under a tree and walked away.

She past away that day. Her mother was right. They would get to see each other someday.

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