The duel | Teen Ink

The duel

May 28, 2021
By Anonymous

It was over. At least I thought this battle was finally over but i saw one still standing… one more mamluk heretic… I needed to take him down but the mamluk were trained warriors just like my teutonic brothers. I had to protect these innocent men and women of god… He noticed me and I charged and the suit followed but our horses soon were cut down by opposing archers of each other killing our horses “I DON'T NEED A HORSE TO SLAY YOU!” I yelled at him. I couldn't understand what they said back but I knew it was an invitation to a duel. We approached each other. Though we were enemies we still had honor. I knew not to underestimate him for he was an elite of his unit, but I secretly knew I would win. We both stood and unsethed our weapons. Mine was a longsword of steel, his, a cutlass made of pure iron decorated with gold and silver. Then, it began. I tried a simple overhead slash to his shoulder that he quickly parried with his silver braces. I then tried to recover before he could move his sword but I was closely cut on the side of my helmet, the arabian didn't hit me hard and I could tell he was tired. I then cut his chest lightly twice and made it appear I am to stab but instead, I quickly cut across his neck. It was over… in an instant, i have killed many before in the name of god and our pilgrimages to the holy land but this… was different my scaled armor suddenly felt heavy on my leg and then i realized that he had stabbed my leg one last time in desperation but my armor was superior to our measly crusaders who barely new to fight. “laqad harabat sadiqi jydana. alan aihtadan allah warjie 'iilaa aljanat bisharaf wa'aelam 'anak matat difaeaan ean 'arduk almuqdasat.” a final goodbye to this poor fellow soldier before i quickly ended him… “what am i fighting for? This.. this isn't god's work” i thought to myself before praying that i won't need to do that again so i then set off to our hospital my brethren had set up a few hours before the fighting started to tend to my own wounds as well as my brothers and the men women and children who came to the holy land.  I never wish to kill without the rush of war again...

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