The Doctor | Teen Ink

The Doctor

October 18, 2019
By James-Bock BRONZE, Lebanon, Ohio
James-Bock BRONZE, Lebanon, Ohio
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

The year was 1561. The black death has spread across Europe. The people of the small town knew this day would come. The town’s people gathered around the gate. The old giant wooden double doors slowly opened with a loud creak. There he was. The plague doctor. A man more feared than a 300 pound barbarian. He wore all brown and black. He carried a big doctor bag the size of a small dog. He had a rifle slung over his back. The barrel gleamed and was as sleek as a jaguars fur but spread terror through anyone who saw, knowing the rifle wasn’t just for defense. He wore a mask that had an extended beak resembling a crow: the bird of bad luck. He examined the crowd and in a low monotone voice he said--shall we begin? *Clink* *Clink* *Clink* The Sound of his hard leather boots clanked against the concrete as he made his way to the city center, where there sat the mighty nobleman. The doctor walked through the big double doors where the Nobleman sat in his domain. ̈Thank you for coming on such short notice ̈ The Nobleman said. ̈Of course, anything for family--brother¨

The author's comments:

I love to read and write. I love to write creative writing pieces and read disrcriptive, fantasy books.

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