Fallout | Teen Ink


March 11, 2019
By Vdkaya SILVER, Tirana, Other
Vdkaya SILVER, Tirana, Other
8 articles 0 photos 0 comments

You gaze up into the light blue sky, the air is warm and humid - almost as if there’s no oxygen. It’s the start of July, 1953. You’re in your backyard playing tag with your younger brother.
“George!” you call out to him. “Come catch me if you can!” You speed around the corner and bump into him.
“Hey!” you yell out as he quickly recovers, then pulls out the garden hose he was hiding from you. He splashes you with it, your skin making contact with the cold, icy, water. “CHEATER!” you shout at him.
“I’m no cheater!” he shouts back.
“Who wants some lemonade?” your mom yells, interfering with both you and your younger brother. You push him away, running towards the glass jar your mom is holding.

“Let’s go inside!” George insists.
You stare at the TV for the rest of the evening, there are rumors about the atom bomb again. Your parents quickly turn off the TV and put you to bed, shielding you from the news. “You’ve got to get some rest,” your father tells you quietly.

Every night, you think about when the rumors might come true. It’s hard comforting yourself these days when your country’s at war. Anything might happen anytime - that’s what your father tells you.
You wake up to the sound of rustling. You prop yourself up on the bed, looking at the direction of your feet. It’s your cat, Oreo. He purrs as you try to pull yourself out of bed. You wash your face and start climbing down the stairs. You see your mother, making breakfast for you, your father reading the daily newspaper as usual. “Good morning,” your dad mutters from behind his newspaper.

“Good morning.”
When you’re done with your breakfast, you go upstairs to brush your teeth, then wake up George. “Mom, can I go to Anna’s?” you yell from upstairs.

“Sure, but make sure you’re home by dinner,” she replies.
You approach your friend’s house, and climb up the concrete doorsteps. You ring the bell, expecting Anna to open the door. You figure they aren’t home, so you start heading back, walking faster each step because of the boiling temperature. You’re eager to head inside into your cool, air-conditioned home.
As you’re walking down the road, you hear a loud aircraft noise. It’s not unusual since there are many air raids these days, but they’re far away from where you live. You hear the noise fade. You continue walking.

Suddenly, there’s a moment of blinding light with intense heat. You can’t see anything. There’s a strange reverberation, a noise that’s impossible to describe, followed by a bang. You hear a ringing sound in your ears.
     You aren't surprised at how you died, you knew it was waiting for you. You weren't expecting it so soon though. You feel as if you're getting dragged out of your body, surprisingly peaceful. You know you're dead. Along with the rest of your family and friends.

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