Friends To Enemies | Teen Ink

Friends To Enemies

November 29, 2018
By Anonymous

The New Factory On Second street , “What the hell is this!” Jean starts the morning off with reading the daily newspaper as he sits in his leather chair, wearing his silk robe, and a steaming cup of coffee to jumpstart a interesting day ahead of him.

City of Liverpool




A New beginning has shocked the city with a new process of improving technology

On the second st of  Liverpool we have now a new factory building cars. This city is taking transportation to a new level and we need all the help from all over the city to help create this industry.

Jobs will be available to all ages…….

Written by Alexander benard


“Wow I really hope these young kids are not starting to work for these factories.” I better get on over to Mary to tell her about this newspaper.”

“Ring”  “Ring” Ring” Ring”.... “Hello… Mary?”

“Hello! How have you been? It's been to long!  

“ I've been ok I guess, just tired of all this conflict between rights and stuff, but overall things are doing good. How about you Mary?”

“I've been good as always, thanks for asking”

“I was wondering if you have any time this morning to meet up this morning for breakfast and check up on a few things?” jean informed.

“ I would love to, that's perfect i don't have any plans today at all. Do you have any ideas where you want to eat at? I heard that there was a new breakfast place on Main St down by the park, Interested?”

“That sounds perfect, I can meet you there at 9:00 if that's a good time for you?”

“Perfect, see you then”

Jean Rousseau  is pretty excited to show Mary Wollstonecraft the newspaper he read this morning and ask her what her thoughts are about this. Jean throws on some nice pants and his big leather jacket with coyote fur inside keeping the cold air off his

skin.  Jean always remembered to throw some pomade in his hair before he went out. He whips out his gold pocket watch to check the time and make sure he's not going to be late.   

In 1880s in Great britain there  was a beautiful morning with a sun high above the clouds,

Jean rousseau and Mary wollstonecraft who decided to take the day off from work to catch up on a few things and go out for the day. They had the idea to go to Spinning Jennies dinner that has recently opened.   It was apparently really good and had the best breakfast burritos in town. After a couple hours later They met outside the restaurant and had a few friendly chats to catch up on some things as they waited for a table. A young Italian man in his mid 20’s walked up to the to and had them seated.

“Right this way sir, your seats will be in a booth if that alright with you two?”

“Perfect, that will do”

“Will there be any others joining you this fine morning?” the waiter questioned

‘Nope just the two of us today sir”

“Alrighty then here are your two menus, let me Know if you need anything. Oh and by the way the burrito is the most popular on the menu right now”

“ Awesome i'll check it out, thanks sir,” Jean responded.

Jean and Mary caught up on a few thing before  he pulled out the newspaper he brought from home his home  this morning to show mary.

“Oh Mary I wanted to show you something, let me grab it real quick”

Jean reaches into the inside of his coyote fur jacket that was made by his great grandpa, he struggles to get the crumpled paper out, that he jammed tight into the tiny homemade pocket.

“Ayy we got it ahah, now read this article and let me know what you think Mary”

A few moment went by as Jean watched Mary read the paper, he began to twiddle his thumbs and become anxious

“OMG thats crazy, im pretty sure that street is a couple blocks down from here. Maybe like a 15 minute walk if you want to check it out after breakfast?” mary said

“ yea lets do it, I really wanted to go check it out after to see how its working. Oh are you ready to order the waiter is walking over here?”

“Shoot i'll probably just get eggs and toast” says Mary.

“alright , i'm just going to get the burrito I guess”

“Hello guys im back, are you guys ready to order?”

“ i believe we are, Mary would you like to go first?” Jean says politely”

“surrrree I guess “ Mary says unconfidently

“Alright what will you be having” the waiter asks as he has his pen on his notepad slightly leaning forward to hear her.

“Todayyyy I will be having……. Ummm, Lets go with the eggs”

“ perfect, and you sir?”

“ i think i'm going to have to go with the burrito that everyone has been talking about lately”

“Haha great choice, it's one of my favorites also to. “I think you will like it”. Anyways i'll put in your orders and bring the food out shortly”.

“ alright thanks”


Moments passed a and eventually the waiter appeared to be walking towards them with a steaming tray of food.

“Here is  the burrito over here and over here we have the eggs and toast”

“Thank you sir it looks amazing! By any chance do you have hot sauce?” Jean questioned.

“Yes I happen to do, I have some in the back I can go grab real fast”

“Awesome thanks” said jean.

“Alrighty I Will be right back”

“Mary those eggs look very good are you going to put anything on them?”

“We will see when the waiter brings back the hot sauce”

“Sounds like that would be pretty good!”  as jean is already talking a huge bite out of the burrito.

“OH look he’s got the sauce! Jean said “

“Alrighty here we go, the hot sauce is all yours” “enjoy”

Jean and Mary continued on Through the meal and barley managed to fit all the food in their stomachs. Their friendship felt like it has gotten stronger over the period of time that they haven't seen each other.  The Bill came out at 20$ and as a nice man jean was he offered to pay for Mary's breakfast as well.

After reading the article about the new factory down the street that has been building cars they decided to head on over and see what was going on.  They walked up melvins St and took a left on Lumbard dr a few blocks up from the breakfast spot. Ended up being about a 25 minute walk with all the distractions downtown.

“ well I think the factory is somewhere up here, Oh yup it is! See all that smoke coming from those pipes?” jean added.

“I certainly do”  Mary smiles at jean.

Jean and mary really seemed to be getting along well and loved enjoying eachothers company.

“Mary I think we should start hanging out more i’m having a fun time”

“Yes!” we totally should, im having a great time jean and thanks again for breakfast!”

So far they have had a good time, but they day hasn't ended yet…..  They finally arrived at the gate of the factory

“Hello sir we are here to check out the new factory today” we have heard some interesting things about it so far.”  jean said to the guard at the gate

“Well sir do you happen to have your pass?”

“What do you mean pass? “

“Well to enter these factories you will need to get a pass online a week in advanced” Its just a safety thing”

“Sir is there anyway me and this  fine young lady can get in today?”

“Nope, I can give you a letter to the post office if you would like? “

“What if i give you a extra hundred dollars right here right now?

“hmmm ,” the guard looked arounds for a few seconds checking if anyone was around to notice the suspicion.

“Well I do need to buy the new fortnite game on xbox everyone has been talking about  sooooo……. We got a deal” The guard said as he looked down at his shoes and cracking his fingers.

Jean sighs as he reaches into his satchel that he created  from elk skin when he use to hunt with his pa,

“Fine, here you go”

“Good doing business with you young man, Right this way” “Alright so your going to want to follow these arrows on the ground, these will be guiding you through the factory”have a good time and enjoy, things get pretty interesting in there”

“Ok have a good day yourself and with that game your planning on getting with my money”

They stay on the path until it leads them to the first room of construction.

“Wow May this seems to be pretty cool and it's interesting how hard all these people are working, kinda looks dangerous huh”?

“It sure does, I can't believe that young boy over there in the back is literally covered in oil and his clothes look absolutely disgusting, I'm surprised this kid is even allowed in

As Jean and mary make their way farther through the path their emotions seemed to be getting upset with what they are seeing, Their faces have been glued to the people working.

“Mary do you see what i'm seeing right now? This is Not ok at all, This is TERRIBLE.  There are 5 year old kids working with these sharp objects. No kid should ever have to do this to get paid.” “All men are born free but are stuck in chains”.

Holy CR** did you just see that kids hand get cut off! No one is even helping the poor kid, not even the older men sitting in their chairs. We really need to do something about this Mary!!”

“Jean i'm more worried about why I don't even see one women working in there right now, thats whats making me upset” People say that we we are helpless but look at those men sitting in those chairs like you said!”

“C’mon that's ridiculous, women don't have the skill to be doing this!  Women are useless to these things.” They have done nothing to help create anything besides children!”

“Are you being serious right now cause i hope you aren't. Us women are very helpful, all you men just use us and have us sit around all day taking care of kids and not letting us help grow our society”  You men dont even give us a chance to try” This is so sad”. Mary's tone starts to rise and her emotions seemed to be taking over.

“Well i'm going to be honest that is so not true and who even cares if women work in factories it's not safe for anyone, let alone these all of these  children that will be creating our history one day. Again this is a free country this is not right and I will be sending a letter to the government about this and I will also be putting up posters for people to be enlightened and informed about this nonsense” .

“ You are crazy, I can't believe this, You may be right about the children but you are making a fool of yourself speaking about women so cruel and so disrespectfully you are a disgusting person from what I just witnessed” I think i better get going now. I'm done talking with you and your foolish act. We aren't friends anymore Jean, we are enemies.

The author's comments:

My article is a story that has been turned into a imformational article about the Industrail Revolution and to teach a audience about the topic using a story.

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