If Alex Rider didn't have gadgets | Teen Ink

If Alex Rider didn't have gadgets

December 13, 2017
By AmjadA. BRONZE, Abu Dhabi, Other
AmjadA. BRONZE, Abu Dhabi, Other
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments



Alex Rider would be able to beat his enemy easily if he didn’t have gadgets. He was trained in every single type of martial arts there is when he was a kid. Alex was being trained to be a spy by his uncle. Alex was able to take down 5 men at the car yard where his uncle's car was. He also snuck his way through a factory in book 1 and found a virus being injected into computers. When he was caught he quickly  took a bottle of the virus and threatened to drop it. The head of the operation was scared that the bottle will break because the virus is so expensive. So Alex walked was able to walk to the door without a problem and then he tossed the bottle into the air before he left. The security was worried about catching the virus and not him. So Alex escaped without being harmed. That is why Alex could beat anyone without his gadgets. He is very smart and very trained for many scenarios.



Alex would not be able to be his enemies without gadgets because he could easily be captured by armed enemies and he would not be able to beat them all. He just is not old enough and ready to fight without gadgets. For example in book 1, he was captured by Mr.Sayles assistant and thrown into a tank with a dangerous jellyfish. If he did not have his gadget that could burn the glass he would have drowned our been electrocuted by the jellyfish. Another example of when he needed his gadgets is also in book 1 when he was being chased by a mob of security guards and he used a smoke device to make them dizzy and lose track of him. Without this device he would have been captured at the end of the hallway and been detained or worse. So Alex can’t take on many enemies without any gadgets without being hurt or detained.



Alex would not be able to win a battle against his enemy if he wasn’t armed with gadgets or weapons like smoke bombs and defensive gadgets like dart throwing DS from book 1. This is because he would get killed before he gets close to his armed enemy. His enemy would be able to take him down with a weapon if he tried to do anything and sometimes he would be outnumbered. An example of this is in book 1 when he was trapped in the tank with the jellyfish and without the gadget he had he would have died.

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