To Kill a Mockingbird Chapter 32 | Teen Ink

To Kill a Mockingbird Chapter 32

October 22, 2016
By KateetaK BRONZE, Beecher, Illinois
KateetaK BRONZE, Beecher, Illinois
2 articles 0 photos 2 comments

Chapter 32

Standing out on the front porch was a man. No, a boy. A head shorter than Atticus with shaggy dark hair. His leg crossed over the other in a casual fashion. His left arm bent at a slightly odd angle. His thumb curved almost parallel against his thigh. Four years had passed since his incident. Although his hand was looking better than it had been, it still wasn’t quite right. His other hand was looped into the right pocket of his new tan vest. He seemed to think it gave him new authority or new status. No longer boy, but promoted to a man. I believed otherwise. Jem wasn’t Atticus. But he was getting there. One mistake, one victory at a time, he was making his way into manhood. But for now, I still considered him a boy. I peered out the front door at him and sighed. The summer had been mainly uneventful. Until today at least. I walked through the kitchen and past the living room packed full of ladies. Laughter resonated from the room. Calpurnia gently brushed past me with a tray of tea and fresh rolls. I kept walking feeling oddly sullen and dull having not the faintest idea why. Calpurnia didn seem to notice, that, or she just left me to my own devices. She didn often meddle in our affairs as much as she had when we were younger. But when she did intervene, it usually ended in punishment from Atticusan dAunt Alexandra before the day as through.

The backyard might have some small adventure. My course was set and there I sat. Underneath the tree fort. Multiple sporadic holes between the planks let small rays of light peep through creating an elaborate tapestry of warm colors at my feet. I dug my toes into the grass enjoying the soft swaying as they tickled my toes a bit. A gentle hand touched my shoulder from behind me. I turned and there he was. Dill. Neat and clean, cleaner than I’d ever seen him before. Tall and strapping with dark blue overalls and a white shirt. His hair neatly combed back behind his ears except for a loose strand or two hat blew gently in the warm summer breeze. He smiled at me and took his hand off of my shoulder. He extended it down towards me.

I took it without a second thought and he pulled me upwards and into a hug. “Hey, Scout.” he said softly into my ear. “I’m sorry I took so long.” He pulled himself gently out of the warm embrace and looked at me. The years melted away as we sat up in the fort talking for what seemed like years. I told him of meeting Boo Radley and my small misadventure. He seemed thrilled at the prospect of knowing Boo actually existed. He regaled me with tales of fishing with his father and going on small trips all over Alabama. He reached into his overalls and pulled out a small slightly torn sheet of folded paper and handed it to me. I took it and opened it giving him a curious glance. The paper was smooth underneath my fingers as I unfolded it. Drawn within, was a beautiful Cherokee Rose. The outer petals, shaded some hue of white, curved gently upwards. The inner petals of the flower gently came together in a soft pink circle around the center of the flower. The yellow center stood out just enough to be noticeable. Everything was flawless. I looked at Dill and he smiled. “It reminded me of you.”

How Dill had grown from a carefree boy into this Romeo was beyond me. “Dill, this is beautiful...” I could feel myself blushing. Trying to stop only made it worse. Dill took notice but decided to say nothing. Lucky for him. Jem’s shouts were distant. Dill peered down over the small wooden wall and looked at Jem. He waved and Jem looked shocked for a second than a smile broke over his face and he waved in return.
“Dinner’s ready. Atticus should be home any minute. Cal’s preparing the table now.” Jem called. Having delivered his message, he turned and walked back inside. The sun was just beginning to creep back down below the horizon. The colors were wonderful. A woven quilt of reds and purples and oranges all mixed in perfect harmony. Dill climbed down first and offered me a hand as I hopped down and landed next to him. We walked in side by side. Calpurnia vanished into the kitchen just as we sat down in the dining room. Atticus strode in through the front door with a briefcase and his coat hanging over his other shoulder. He looked so worn and tired. The lines under his eyes were visible even from where I was sitting. Aunt Alexandra stepped into the dining room and was startled to find Dill. She let out a small sigh seeing that it was in fact Dill and sat down across from the head of the table. Atticus set his briefcase down and hung his coat and hat on the rack and walked to the dining room. He nodded to Dill.

“Well hello young man. What a pleasant surprise to see you this evening. It’s about time we saw your face around Maycomb.” Atticus sat down and pushed his handkerchief deeper into his pocket where it was peeping out. Calpurnia brought out the remainder of the food and hardly bat an eye at Dill. It was almost as if she had expected him to come tonight. I should know better that nothing slips by Calpurnia anymore. Always keeping a watchful eye and open ears, it was impossible to keep any secret in this household. Some she kept to herself, but others she would share with Atticus if she deemed them necessary. She set out a plate of food in front of Dill and he thanked her. After an uneventful and almost silent dinner, Dill went home. I sat outside on the porch and looked down at the Radley place longing to see Boo again. I hadn’t seen a shutter move, nor heard a laugh when I had Jem roll me in a tire into the yard again in some desperate attempt to make communication. Boo was simply gone. The only clue I had of his existence was when I left a silver gum wrapper nailed to the old tree just above the knot hole. The next day I found it gone and a piece of fresh gum sitting neatly propped up on the nail. Jem saw me and scolded me for it even though I could sense he was slightly excited Boo still took a faint interest in us. Jem often stood out on the porch and looked at the Radley place. His eyes were distant and he seemed to be thinking of everything and nothing at the same time.

The sun was down, but I could still make out the front steps in the dim light of the fat pole Dill loved ever so much. Dill. I looked back on our conversation and found myself staring at him the whole time. Never taking my eyes off of him once. His hand crept closer to one until our fingers touched and that's as far as he went. Atticus set a hand on my shoulder jarring me from my memory. “Time for bed, Scout.” I stood up and trudged to bed. My head hit the pillow and I was asleep at once. The next morning, I was eager to wake. Only Calpurnia was up. She was eating breakfast by herself as I strode into the kitchen. She looked at me curiously.

“What are you doing up, Miss Finch?” When I had turned thirteen I had been promoted to Miss Finch. Although Calpurnia still called me Scout occasionally, I didn't mind what she called me. Whatever seemed to work for her was just fine by me.

“I guess I was just excited to wake up.” Calpurnia huffed and prepared me a bowl of oatmeal which I shoveled down and ran out the back. The grass was slightly chilled under my feet and I reveled in it. I felt something crinkle in my overalls and pulled out Dill’s drawing. I debated putting it back in my room or taking it with me. I decided it would bring me good luck if I brought this small trinket with me wherever I went today, so I gently placed it into the biggest and flattest pocket my overalls had to offer and patted it to make sure it was safe. I saw Dill jogging up the street towards me and I eagerly hurried to meet him. He smiled.

“I didn't expect you to be up this early, but I’m glad you are. So,” he said excitedly as he crouched a bit, “what are we doin’ today Scout?” I shrugged and he looked slightly disappointed.

“Why not go to Barker's Eddy? It's a nice day for a swim. Maybe Jem wants to come too.”
“Why not. Let's go right now!” I exclaimed. Dill brightened tremendously at the prospect. We walked side by side together. Hand in hand. I could ever so slightly feel Dills drawing tucked into the front pocket of my overalls. I caught myself smiling a c***y little grin. It felt wonderful to finally spend time with Dill. I felt slightly guilty that I had given up hope of him coming for the past two summers. I had received no letters or postcards per usual. I guess I could understand why Dill hadn written. If this as the first year I was spending with my father, I ould have completely forgotten to write. It seemed as if we’d only been walking for a few minutes when we looked down the hill to Barker's Eddy. A small group of boys were already swimming when we arrived. To my dismay, Cecil Jacobs was among them. Cecil and I had never made amends since the court case with Mr. Robinson. I didn’t plan on starting now. Dill trudged down the hill but I didn’t follow. His hand tugged on mine and he looked up at me perplexed, with a slightly concerned look on his face.

“Scout? Is something wrong?” He stepped back up the hill in front of me and cocked his head a little. He let go of my hand and I felt the breeze chill the area where Dill had been holding it. I debated telling him about my quarrel with Cecil but decided not to out of a fear Dill would do something irrational.

“No, I’m fine. I don’t think Cal would take kindly to us coming home soaking wet. She’d surely tell Atticus and I’d be in for it if I tracked around muddy bare feet through the house. Aunt Alexandra wouldn't have any of it either. The both of them would skin my hide if i got the carpet wet.” Dill let out a small chuckle.

“Ay! If it ain't little Finch.” Cecil towered over Dill and I. He was every bit as tall as Jem. He was heavyset and dripping wet. His hair was smoothed back. The other boys down in the pond were still there but they were listening and watching us intently. He looked down at Dill like he was looking at his prey. Dill tensed up and balled his hands into fists. “And who's this lil’ un’?” I could only stand there and pray that Dill didn't swing at Cecil.

“My name is Dill. Don’t you talk to Scout like that.”

“Says who?” Cecil roughly pushed Dill backwards.

“Hey!” I jabbed Cecil in the arm. Cecil shoved me backwards and I fell onto the ground. Dill glared and swung a Cecil clipping his throat. Cecil coughed and kicked Dill in the stomach sending him toppling to the ground. Before Dill could get back to his feet, Cecil was on top of him gripping the front of his shirt raising a fist to pound Dill into the dust. I grabbed Cecil’s arm and pulled him off of Dill. The boys down in the pond were hooting and yelling. Some were even taking bets. Cecil glared at me and shoved me into the dirt again. Dill leapt onto Cecil's back and wrapped his arms around Cecil’s neck. Cecil twisted and grabbed the back of Dill’s overalls then throw him off onto the ground. Dill lay there wheezing and gasping clutching his chest tightly.

“Even the Finch brings runts to fight. Lil’ coward. Always been, always will be!” he shouted. He glared at Dill and wiped his nose on his arm. He glared at me in turn and walked towards me threateningly.

“Cecil! That's enough!” Jem's voice cut through the silence like a knife. He was standing ten feet behind Cecil. The boys in the pond stopped talking all at once. Jem looked just as he had yesterday. Tan pants, a white shirt and his tan vest. I noticed a small lump in his right vest pocket. Odds are the small knife he had received on his fifteenth birthday. He kept it in his pocket nearly everywhere he went often pulling it out and flicking open the blade just to be sure it still worked or slyly bringing it up in a conversation than brandishing it proudly and explaining that it was all his and that he kept it sharp and polished just as Atticus had ordered him to.
“Oh, just because you’re older means I have to take orders from yu’ now huh? Is that how this is? Well Finch, go fly away. I’ve got a little score to settle.” Cecil huffed and turned back to face me. By then i was on the ground next to dill helping him sit up. Cecil picked me up and set me down roughly. “You owe me a fight finch.”

“Cecil! I said that's enough.” Cecil roared and spat in Jem's face. Jem reached into his right vest pocket. I looked at Jem slightly terrified at what he was about to do. I had seen him fight only on a few occasions. He often won through his strength and will, but in all my years I had never seen him fight with a knife. Jem pulled out a handkerchief and wiped his face. I breathed a sigh of relief realizing Jem wasn’t going to fight. He put it back in his pocket and brushed past Cecil. He knelt down next to me and we both helped dill back to his feet. Cecil swing at Jem. Jem ducked and let go of Dills arm. Dill hung onto me but I was able to support his weight. Jem stood with his back facing the pond. Cecil took a few steps back and charged Jem preparing to tackle. Jem leapt out of the way and stuck his foot out tripping Cecil. Cecil tumbled end over end into the pond with a splash. I heard Jem mutter something about a weak mans impersonation of strength. Jem grabbed Dill’s other arm and we started the journey home together. Halfway there Dill was able to functionally walk without wheezing. Dill, Jem, and I walked in silence until we reached our house. Jem sat on the back porch steps whilst Dill and I sat in the tree fort. Calpurnia was making lunch although truthfully none of us were particularly hungry. Dill gently pulled me closer to him and rested my head on his shoulder. I didn’t object. His side was warm and his shoulder comfortable. He wrapped his arm around me and leaned his head on mine.

I looked down at Jem through the holes in the boards. How much he reminded me of Atticus at that moment. Everything from his posture to his tone of voice made me think of him. How much he had grown over the past few years was almost unreal. I almost regretted having to do the same thing myself. Than I remembered the multiple conversations I’d had with the Maycomb ladies and thought to myself that it wouldn’t be all bad to be a lady. “Scout?” Dill said gently. I could feel his jaw move on my head.

“He didn’t hurt you...did he?” I could feel a slight blush appear on my cheeks and the tips of my ears turned a light tint of red.

“N-no. I’m fine. Are you ok? He threw you down pretty hard.”

“I’m fine, Scout. Don’t you worry. It would’ve taken more than that to keep me down.” I giggled a bit and Dill gave me a quick squeeze. “Scout?” He sounded almost nervous. Unsure of himself. I looked up at him. He used his thumb to wipe off some dirt on my chin. He gently slid his hand to caress my cheek. He leaned over and kissed me. His lips were soft and gentle. Even more so that Atticus when he used to tuck me in for bed. His hand gently cupped my ear and then he stopped and took his head away. I sat there looking up at him speechlessly. My mouth was slightly open and I opened it and closed it a few times trying to figure out what to say. But no words could come to mind. I guess I should have expected this sooner or later. It was bound to happen since we were already “engaged” in a sense. Dill had a small grin on his face. It faded when I continued to stare at him.
“Scout...I didn't mean to-” he interrupted himself, “I didn't mean to make you feel weird like that. I’m sorry.” Dill’s apology was as sincere as they come. He sounded remorseful and almost sad. I leaned back on him nuzzling myself under his arm. His grin returned and he sensed I'd forgiven him. There was nothing to be sorry about. In truth, he was the first boy I’d ever kissed. He rested his head on mine. We spent the remainder of the day sitting in the tree fort this way. By sunset, Dill was slouched down almost flat on the boards and I lay with my head on his chest and my hand locked in his. He gently played with my hair.

“Dill? I um, I wanted to thank you for today. For stickin’ up for me. You didn’t have to.”
“Oh, I know. But it was the gentlemanly thing to do.” He smiled and let out a long sigh. 
“Can I spend every summer like this?” I looked up at him.

“Gettin’ beat up by Cecil Jacobs?” I giggled.

“No,” he was laughing, “spending it...with you.” I blushed and nuzzled into his chest. He held me a little tighter. The sun was just beginning to set when I fell asleep on Dill with my hand still closed in his. A peaceful, perfect sleep, with a peaceful, perfect boy.

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