Christmas Miracle | Teen Ink

Christmas Miracle

December 23, 2015
By fan_girl748740 BRONZE, South Riding, Virginia
fan_girl748740 BRONZE, South Riding, Virginia
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Here we go again…..another day without him, I think as I pull the cord on my lamp.  It has been 3 months since I saw him last, that was when I dropped him off at the airport.  He was supposed to be here a week ago but his sergeant extended his leave.  The thing that makes it worse is that tomorrow is Christmas. 

I turned on the TV to ABC Family to watch the final night of 25 Days of Christmas.  Tonight was “I’ll Be Home for Christmas”, about half way through I just broke down into tears.  That was all I wanted, for Damon to be home this Christmas.  It was our first Christmas as a couple and he wasn’t here.  We had gotten married in mid-April.  All of our family was there and a ton of friends too.  It’s not that I’m mad at him I just wish that he was here with me.

I continued to cry for a little while longer until I cried myself to sleep.  I had been sleeping for about 3-4 hours when I heard a noise out in the living room.  I ignored it at first thinking that an ornament had fallen from the Christmas tree, but then I heard it again.  I decided that I should get up and go check out what caused the noise.  As I walked out of the bedroom and walked down to living room of our apartment I had realized that it was just the wreaths banging against the window.  So, I opened the window and took down and went back to bed.

When I went back to bed and lied there thinking about how I was going to survive tomorrow without the love of my life. 


All of a sudden I heard a buzzing noise go off right next to my ear.  I had been so upset last night that I hadn’t turned off my alarm.  It was 7:30, so I got up and made myself a cup of coffee and sat down on the couch.  Drinking my cup of coffee and looking out the window at the snow falling towards the ground.

I walked back into the bedroom and pulled on my new winter boots and scarf, and headed out the front door.  I walked all around the park right outside of our apartment.  Weaving in and out of the trees until I find our bench.  This bench is our bench because it is the spot where he proposed a little over a year ago.  When I bring myself back from reality, I look over and there is someone sitting there.  That’s odd I think to myself, no one ever is sitting here.

I continue to walk over to towards the other bench right across from “our” bench.  I sit down and pull out my phone to check out what everyone else is doing on Facebook today.  All of a sudden I notice the man that is sitting on the other bench looking at me over his newspaper.  I blush a little bit then go back to my phone, but I notice him still looking at me.

“I’m taken” I say to try and get to stop staring at me.

“I know” he replies with a voice that only belongs to one other person, Damon.  I look up from my phone instantly and he lowers his newspaper.  My eyes meet his and I realize that he is finally home.

The author's comments:

Just a short fanfiction story about Damon and Elena from the Vampire Diaries.

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