The Not So Hunger Games | Teen Ink

The Not So Hunger Games

December 2, 2015
By JWS29 BRONZE, Cincinnati, Ohio
JWS29 BRONZE, Cincinnati, Ohio
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Josh: I can't believe that we all got picked!

Nick: I know it's like really real!

Aliza: I know who's gonna' win.

Maitreya: I hope I can get home soon.

Oscar: Well I'm die first.

Charity: Oscar don't have a negative point of view. Well...

Josh: I think I know who's going to win.

Nick: Me, Josh and ...

Aliza: Don't tell them!

Maitreya: Can I die 3rd?

Oscar: I'll die 1st!

Charity: Oscar I'll die with you. I'll die 2nd!

Josh: Guys? Why are you saying this? We may all have change to win this!

Nick: With Hydrameda's powers!

Aliza: Wow Nick never thought you were an idiot until now.

Maitreya: Ok Aliza, I always knew that nick was an idiot.

Oscar: Wow Guyss.s.s

Charity: I never knew that my class had such a negative point of view.

Josh: But the question is...                                                                                                                          1

Nick: Who will die 4th?

Aliza: If there even is a 4th death...                                                                                                            (...many weeks pass there are now ready to enter the dome...)
(...all “WOW”...)

Maitreya: I never knew it was this big!

Oscar: Considering we're in a Distopian Goverment this is pretty COOL!

Charity: Let's just hope we don't die in the beginning.

Anouncer: 30, 29, 28, 27, 26, 25, 24, 23, 22, 21, 20, 19, 18, 17, 16, 15, 14, 13, 12, 11, 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1. GO!!!

Josh: Let's go!

Nick: Ohhh.hh.h.hh. ma.n.nnn.n.nn.nnn.nn!

Aliza: At least I know how to kill, human!

Maitreya: I know how to use a crappy Apple laptop from 6 years ago!

Oscar: Oh NO!!!!!!!!!!!! I don't have my sonic screw driver!!!!

Charity: Just get away!!!???!!!

Josh: I'll come for you my pretty!

Nick: Yeah! bob will get you! And bobert!

Aliza: Nick why are you so weird?

Maitreya: Why do you ask so silly questions?

Oscar: Yeah I noticed that 1st!

Charity: Thanks Oscar!

Josh: Come on Nick we need to get out of here!

Nick: Yeah let's go Aliza!

Aliza: ok?.??.?.?.?

Maitreya: Should I follow?

Oscar: No she'll get you!                                                                                                                            2            
Charity: Come on Oscar!

Josh: Nick why are you walking? Didn't you do Runners Club?                                                         

Nick: NO!?!?!??!?!?

(Many days pass)

Aliza: Maitreya I'll kill you!

Maitreya: What!?!?!?! Let's go after Oscar and Charity!

Oscar: What NO!

Charity: I'll stay with you Oscar!

Josh: Let's GO Nick!

Nick: I need water.!.!..!..!..!.

(more days pass!)

Aliza: I'll get Oscar!

Maitreya: I'll get Charity!

(Aliza slays Oscar!)
(Maitreya slays Charity!)

Oscar: (as a stereotypical teenager would say) OMG!!!!

(Charity grabs and onto hold Oscars hand)

Charity: o, m, g, !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Josh: She did it!

Nick: Yesssssssssssss!!!!!!!

Aliza: Now it's time for my Show! The Aliza Kills Maitreya Show! TAAKMS!, for short!

Maitreya: What NOOOOOO!

(Aliza slays Maitreya!)

Josh: OMG! Nick you knew we were going to win!

(Nick hugs Josh)
Nick: Yes we will Win!         

Aliza: Hey guys!                   

(Nick and Josh gasp)

Josh: We're did you come from?

Nick: Are you going to kill us??!?!??!?!?!?!??!?!?!!!!??

Aliza: No we won!

Josh: Ok?


Aliza: Let's get out of this joint!

Josh: Well you know that Chiocne sis gret it the bestn  that I ever had ever

(they all went back to their homes)








The author's comments:

This was a some what hard ut not at the same time!

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