Screams on Fourth Street | Teen Ink

Screams on Fourth Street

June 4, 2014
By Logan Lafferty BRONZE, Milwaukee, Wisconsin
Logan Lafferty BRONZE, Milwaukee, Wisconsin
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

On a street of no other, where people aren’t doing crimes like stealing or murder. These strange and unusually puzzling people are waiting to have the ride of a lifetime, where screams won't be heard and how Fourth Street will turn into One Person Street.

A sudden, silent flash crashed the beam of my eyes, a bloodshot tear drops down my face and emotions cycle through my mind. The beat of my heart pounds with tremendous force, my brain pumping. A rush of a warm breeze slashes my face as an electric scream cries outside the window. An abnormal psycho is streaking through the streets after a bite from a mysterious figure pierced his neck. As people watch, the man’s flesh is seeping open with no sign of stopping. People are astonished. Coming from the shiny part of town, this had to have been a mistake... or was it? The FBI and other federal government officials flood the scene. They are confounded by what one man said he saw. As everyone walks down the contradiction hollow road with such confusion, a man with so much to tell speaks up. “I saw it”! “What’s it”? The investigators wonder.
The man who is about to speak isn't a usual man to be found near Fourth street. He lives on the dark side of town. Think of it as a ruff, compact piece of material covering the two sides of town. The weird man was taking a breath before letting out his words, until, a young kid looking at this strange man screamed! “He has a bite”! “What kind?” the officer exclaimed. As the FBI rushes toward the strange man, he is startled and runs for his life. Fear gushes out, as if you could see fear. The federal officials are testing their stamina by running toward him as the FBI is bolting past the others. The man has no chance of outrunning them so he said to himself, “I got two choices, surrender and tell what I have seen, or run away for the sake of my prison time.” The man decided to run for a rush of excitement. He runs toward the tall grass and makes it into a forest. He has been running for almost three minutes and the venom from the bite is approaching his veins. With grueling pain, he screams and the people on Fourth Street could hear. When the FBI lost track of the man, but as they enter the dark side of town, they finally have a lead. They rush toward the screeches. The man hears the dogs’ barking as the FBI slowly follows behind them. The man is frightened when he thinks he was fine, it hits him. An attack with venom oozing out of what he thinks is human flesh. When a regular man turns into a creature that no one knows of, who knows what he can do? A man running for his life finds his break.
The strange man sees a shadow in the so-called forest and a low timid voice echoes the through the waving trees. With no leads for the cops, they decided to hook up the strange man’s phone to their answering machine. And it hits the cops. A phone call is connected straight to their answering machine. They track the phone numbers position and head straight for the conscious man. The man roams the streets of some abandon roads and feels he is safe. The sirens are heard in the distance near the man. He knows it was the phone call. A desperate run breaks into his mind. He runs for his life. Soon, the cops catch up to him and see him in their sight. He surrenders with no doubt. He is sent to the interrogation room for further questions. He is soon tested for any sign of a disease or something to that concern. But! It was no disease. It was a vampire bite.

The author's comments:
Its a mystery

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