Scary Story | Teen Ink

Scary Story

May 2, 2014
By Anonymous

The Abandoned Store.

Once there was a store, everyone loved to go near. No one however had the nerve to go inside, it gave chills down little kids spine. Even though it made no sense, most children were mysteriously captivated by the thought of seeing a spooky creature inside the abandoned store. It was dark, gloomy, dreary, and was near collapsing. One day however, a brave little boy delivering mail had the courage to go inside the store, without knowing the folk-tail that it had impacted on others. He creped out the staircase as they made a cracking noise. It was a heavy sound; it went click, click, click, click. The boy looked inside the shop, not seeing anything but a bizarre orb. He slowly turned open the knob and slowly walked inside. He looked around and saw nothing but darkness.

“This couldn’t be the right address that I was supposed to deliver this package to?” He thought to himself as he wandered in the store, feeling dizzy due to the fact that he noticed by nothing but darkness all around. He wandered around the store, trying not to fall down the deep, passive, and mysterious halls. He was trying to find his way out, as he couldn’t seem to find the entrance. He felt chills down his neck, he walked up the isle and gulped, the little boy grabbed his bag and spoke in a nervous tone. “H-Hello?” he said, as he felt chills all around him, all of a sudden he turned around and heard a vicious laugh. The boy was petrified and jumped, he ran all over the store trying to find an exit. He soon realized that he was trapped inside; the laughing kept coming closer, and closer. As he saw nothing but a dark way of isles. When suddenly, something grabbed him and threw him against the wall. The boy screamed as loud as his tiny lungs could carry his tone as before you know it he was tossed onto the wall like a little rag doll, whatever was taking control of him slammed the side of his face onto the wall as it started to bleed slowly. He gained control of himself again and cried out for help, the voices became louder, and louder as a spec of light reached out in front of him showing five kids, their long and vicious hair was covering their face as you could see nothing but their pale skin and bloody clothes, the boy screamed as they started moving towards him.
“You’re next!” One called out, as the boy walked backward as he confused as to what was going on. “You’re next!” The other child said, clawing out it’s demonic nails as it teleported directly in front of the boy as it dug it’s nails into the boys chest, causing the boy to scream out in pain. The demon child was injecting it’s poisonous entity into the child as another child teleported behind him, a little girl with long hair wrapped her black hair around the boys neck as the boy slowly started fading away. The little newspaper boy slowly tried to fight back, and gave out one last cry for help. Before you know it, a man came barging in the store, with a police badge and a ferocious K9. “Whose in here?!” The man yelled as the boy fell to the grown slowly as everything went back to normal. The boy got back up and looked around in confusion, “Wha-what just happened?” He said, as the police officer grabbed the boy and took him outside. “What were you thinking going in such a haunted place? Have you not heard about the curse that’s been planted upon this hell hole?” The officer asked as the boy shrugged his shoulders, “I was told to deliver something. I’m nothing more than a mail boy!” The officer shrugged his shoulders and said. “Well, never go back in that place again. There once was a group of children that mysteriously vanished into that place, it was said that their mother trapped them inside and placed a vicious curse on them, and whoever enters is said to be cursed, and whoever makes it out alive has broken the curse. Just be thankful you weren’t in there for more than a few minutes. The boy nodded as he walked off into the night light, looking back into the stores sight, seeing the figures of all five children as he gulped and turned back around…
The End.

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