A Baby | Teen Ink

A Baby

November 2, 2012
By Anonymous

A Baby’s Needs

As I open the door and walked into the room, my eyes widened and my mouth dropped. I fell to the ground and covered my eyes.
6 Months Earlier
The best day ever, the sun is shining brightly and birds are chirping. I feel exhilarating; it’s just a great day for me. I show the envelope to my parents, they smile and look at me, I tell them” told you I can do it” they smile harder and shake their heads. Turning around my eyes are glued to the envelope which reads” I saw you’re ad on the computer, I’ve been looking for a babysitter for a long time now. You live in the neighborhood and seem like a nice person, I would like to interview you for my babysitter. Please call this number (734-598-3651)” I pick up the phone as quickly as I could and dialed the number like my life depended on it. The ring felt like it took years to finish. Suddenly something broke the ringing, “hello?” the voice said. I quickly answered and the conversation got underway. I was extremely nervous but somehow I got through it. At the end they told me to come over for dinner tomorrow so they can interview me further. They said they wanted the best babysitter for their little princess. My stomach fell once they said that. I told them “no problem” the conversation then ended. My parents were in the room during the conversation. They said “good luck honey” I was the happiest girl in the world, nothing could take that away…except them calling back saying they’ve found someone else. I went to my desk and started to write down things I could say so I don’t sit there looking awkward. I came up with nothing. I laid my head down hoping something would come up but I quickly fell asleep. I wake up and realize that I fell asleep; I glance at the clock and saw that it was late so I went to my bed and laid down. I quickly fell asleep

The Next Day
I woke up with the biggest smile on my face. I was ready to face the interview head on. I knew I had a few hours until I had to leave so I decided to take a shower and decide what to wear so I don’t look like a slut. As soon as I got ready I went back to the same table and wrote down everything about me. I studied for the next few hours and tried to remember as much as I could. The time came when I had to leave, I prepared my things and left. The walk to the house was terrible, my stomach felt like it was about to explode. My hands were shaking, my hands felt like they were having little seizures. My head felt light and shallow. As I walk onto the porch I felt anxious and nervous. I knock on the door and await my fate.

The author's comments:
it was my quickest peice of work

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