Muichiro Finds You Asleep | Teen Ink

Muichiro Finds You Asleep

October 25, 2023
By Anonymous

Muichiro covers you in his jacket after he finds you asleep. 

It was a chilly evening, and the stars shone brightly in the clear night sky. Muichiro was patrolling the headquarters, making sure everything was in order before he retired to his quarters for the night. As he made his way through the halls, he noticed a familiar presence in the distance.

Curious, he followed the faint sound of breathing until he reached a quiet corner of the building. There, tucked away beneath the soft glow of a lantern, lay you, fast asleep. Your peaceful slumber made you look like an angel, and a small smile crept onto Muichiro's lips.

He couldn't help but feel a gentle rush of affection as he watched over you. Your presence always had a calming effect on him, and seeing you so at ease brought warmth to his heart. As a breeze swept through the hallway, he noticed you shiver slightly in your sleep.

Instinctively, Muichiro slipped off his jacket, gently draping it over your sleeping form. He made sure it covered you snugly, ensuring you would stay warm throughout the night. His touch was delicate, and he couldn't help but admire how adorable you looked, wrapped in his jacket.

"Cute," he whispered quietly—words meant only for himself.

He stood there for a moment longer, captivated by the soft glow of the lantern that cast a warm hue on your features, highlighting your innocence and vulnerability. 

With one last gaze, he turned to leave. A soft smile graced his lips as he walked away. 

You awoke the next morning, yawning as you prepared to face the day. As you shifted to get up, you realized something was wrapped around you—Muichiro's jacket. Your flushed, realizing what he had done for you.

You then folded the jacket neatly and carried it with you as you got ready. The thought of him covering you with his jacket would linger in your mind, distracting you for the rest of the day. 

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