Davekat <3 | Teen Ink

Davekat <3

March 3, 2022
By Anonymous

I awake to my alarm ringing on my phone, I accidentally press snooze.

“Ugh why do I even have the snooze option turned on?” I question as I slide out of bed and fall to the floor.

“Why do we have to get up before the sun? Whatever” I say as I pick myself off the floor and peer out the window.

I guess it’s my first day of Highschool? Well HUMAN Highschool, obviously. I already know everything that I need to know. Well, at least I did back at home, but all the trolls got moved to Earth. I mean, it’s not really like we had a choice anyways. Because of ‘The accident.’ But that doesn’t matter right now. I should introduce myself.

As you might’ve figured out by me talking about trolls and the name of this ‘book,’ yeah, I’m Karkat an ‘annoying’ troll that now goes to Highschool. Which is boring, and annoying, because I’m not a morning person. Although, who is?

I get dressed in my tight jeans and sweater even though it’s not really too cold. It’s my comfort item so I’m wearing it. People LOVE to stare at me, like I’m their matesprit. No, that’s dumb. ugh that’s not a joke I’ll be telling.

Now that I’m dressed I go to my bathroom and brush my teeth, and re-style my hair, that’s just going to get messy in another 5 minutes or so. I feel better about it so oh well. I then go downstairs and grab a breakfast bar off my place at the table and tell my human fami- oh, right. We all get human family so that us trolls are not alone. I tell my human family that I’m heading out and I get no response. I mean, they didn’t really want me, we just got put into normal foster homes. Nothing’s permanent, even that fact; that nothings permanent. I guess that all of the families are scared of us. Because even my friends families try to avoid us. Anyways, I grab my bag, head out to the bus stop, and get up on the bus. I sit d- WHAT THE HELL IS THISSSS!? Oh god, all of the seats are taken, some kids are sitting 2 to a seat! I walk back further as kids reject me. One lets me sit next to hi
him it’s a kid wearing sun- GFDI, it’s Dave! Of course, he goes to my school! yeah obviously totally great he’s gonna tell everyone about the game

“Hey Karkat” Dave says moving aside signaling for me to sit next to him

“Hey” I say angrily trying to hide my tiredness

“So. Ig that we go to the same school. That’s cool, right?” He says pushing up his sunglasses as they were starting to show his eyes almost

“Yeah sure whatever” I say

Ok let’s recap so all the trolls moved to earth and now we go to school and yeah so it’s kinda weird and we moved in with ‘foster parents’ whatever those are and humans are scared of us and now we’re headed towards school and now I'm sitting next to, ugh. Dave

"So you've never been to a human school before, have you? Well maybe I can ask the teachers if I can show your around a bit? To help get you settled in of course" Dave says, stoic as always

"Yeah sure, whatever I mean I don't really care all that much" I say looking at the seat in front of me, it has many holes in it.

••-time skip-••

they arrive at school early so Dave and karkat are on their way to ask the counter if he can move some of his classes to be closer with karkats (to help him with his classes)

"Ok so I guess we gotta ask the counter if we can move some of our classes to be together so I can help you" He says leading me, he looks so h- nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope a lot of nope he looks so mean, he's probably just doing this so he can make fun of me

"Ok, I don't care" I say following him like a baby ducking ew I look so gross like this probably. How does my hair look? Ugh why do I care so much about others validation anyways people are so dang annoying especially humans and especially especially Dave

The author's comments:

I got bored

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