Harry Potter Movie 3 Minutes | Teen Ink

Harry Potter Movie 3 Minutes

November 15, 2021
By TessaDreamAuthor_3000 PLATINUM, Tomball, Texas
TessaDreamAuthor_3000 PLATINUM, Tomball, Texas
37 articles 2 photos 147 comments

Favorite Quote:
"The way I see it, if you want the rainbow, you gotta put up with the rain." - Dolly Parton
" Balance your life with spiritual experiences that remind and prepare you for continued, daily ministering to others." - M. Russell Ballard
"Love is expressed in a smile, a wave, a kind comment, a compliment." - Thomas S. Monson

(HARRY'S house)

HAGRID: You're a wizard, Harry!

(Awkward pause while VERNON threatens HAGRID)
HARRY: Oh, I thought I was a princess. . .


DRACO: Harry, be my friend. Don't be friends with the Weasley's. 

(HARRY looks at RON)
HARRY: Nah, I'll be friends with the weird boi right there.

DRACO: Humph. . .I'm jealous


HARRY: I don't have the stone!
(HARRY looks at his pocket and back at QUIRREL. QUIRREL notices.)

QUIRREL: You dumb boi, gimmie the stone.

(HARRY puts up fists)

HARRY: This 'dumb boi' can fight, unlike you, Voldy- Morty.

(QUIRRREL and VOLDEMORT are triggered)

QUIRREL: Harry, you little dumb and ANNOYING BOI

(HARRY is now triggered and burns QUIRREL'S face off.)

HARRY: Ha, you ded now boiiii

(HERMIONIE and RON run up to Harry while he is in hospital)

RON: 'Arry you alright mate?

HERMIONE: Bloody hell. . .


(HERMIONE and RON fight, HARRY shrugs and puts in ear plugs)

(End Credits while Hedwig's theme plays)

Do do do do do do DO DO DO do DO do do do DO DO 
(HARRY hums along)

The author's comments:

I am a big Harry Potter fan, so I made Harry Potter in 3 min. I know, its an odd number . . .

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This article has 5 comments.

on Feb. 24 2022 at 9:00 am
TessaDreamAuthor_3000 PLATINUM, Tomball, Texas
37 articles 2 photos 147 comments

Favorite Quote:
"The way I see it, if you want the rainbow, you gotta put up with the rain." - Dolly Parton
" Balance your life with spiritual experiences that remind and prepare you for continued, daily ministering to others." - M. Russell Ballard
"Love is expressed in a smile, a wave, a kind comment, a compliment." - Thomas S. Monson

Yes, I agree, the book series is SOOOOOOO much better :)

on Feb. 19 2022 at 8:48 pm
Emma_Owens GOLD, Rowan, Nebraska
10 articles 1 photo 24 comments

Favorite Quote:
“Love is not affectionate feeling, but a steady wish for the loved person’s ultimate good as far as it can be obtained.”
-C.S. Lewis

It's a book! Harry Potter is a book series, please. The books are sooo much better.

on Dec. 12 2021 at 9:23 pm
TessaDreamAuthor_3000 PLATINUM, Tomball, Texas
37 articles 2 photos 147 comments

Favorite Quote:
"The way I see it, if you want the rainbow, you gotta put up with the rain." - Dolly Parton
" Balance your life with spiritual experiences that remind and prepare you for continued, daily ministering to others." - M. Russell Ballard
"Love is expressed in a smile, a wave, a kind comment, a compliment." - Thomas S. Monson

Now you know about the first movie ;)

on Dec. 12 2021 at 9:22 pm
TessaDreamAuthor_3000 PLATINUM, Tomball, Texas
37 articles 2 photos 147 comments

Favorite Quote:
"The way I see it, if you want the rainbow, you gotta put up with the rain." - Dolly Parton
" Balance your life with spiritual experiences that remind and prepare you for continued, daily ministering to others." - M. Russell Ballard
"Love is expressed in a smile, a wave, a kind comment, a compliment." - Thomas S. Monson

Aww Thank You <3

on Dec. 12 2021 at 4:14 pm
AthenatheGoddess PLATINUM, Myrtle Beach, South Carolina
38 articles 0 photos 20 comments

Favorite Quote:
Look, I didn't want to be a halfblood."