Teen written fiction in a variety of genres | Teen Ink


Top voted Fiction

#1161voted by our readers
By Jordan Wilson-Dalzell GOLD
Portola Valley, California

As the fires burn, I dance. As the flames fly from wall to wall seeking out life, I twist and twirl. The smoke floods the barren room with hatred and anger. Hot red emotions suck t...
Jordan Wilson-Dalzell GOLD, Portola Valley, California
14 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
Oh, if I could run free with the wild horses<br /> I'd run and I would keep going and never stop.<br /> Oh,if I could keen with my brothers the wolves<br /> I'd cry sorrow and call for the freedom we lost.<br /> <br /> <br /> If I could pick up my legs and just gallop away<br /> my footprints would be pounded in the earth <br /> eternal<br /> If I could hunt with my pack , coexist as one<br /> our cries would be recorded in a wild journal.<br /> <br /> <br /> Oh if I could race out my heart and challenge <br /> the wind<br /> Even if I lost ,my lose would be mine to own<br /> Oh, If I could speak the name of a word to feel <br /> its birthing roots<br /> If freedom were the word-then I am coming <br /> home.

#1162 Fiction
victoriathekoolkid GOLD, Springfield, Oregon
10 articles 0 photos 6 comments

Favorite Quote:
things change and friends leave life doesn't stop for anybody- perks of a wallflower (A.K.A a pretty lit movie)

#1163 Fiction
By Anonymous
IzzyMossie137 GOLD, Aurora, Illinois
11 articles 1 photo 75 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Life is a journey I don't have a map for."<br /> -Delta Goodrem-

#1165 Fiction
justaliittleshy BRONZE, Houston, Texas
2 articles 0 photos 1 comment
#1166 Fiction
By heidis32 BRONZE
Byfield, Massachusetts
heidis32 BRONZE, Byfield, Massachusetts
1 article 0 photos 0 comments
#1167 Fiction
By Kagrat BRONZE
Columbus, Ohio
Kagrat BRONZE, Columbus, Ohio
2 articles 0 photos 1 comment
#1168 Fiction
Nanjing, Other
Shaco PLATINUM, Nanjing, Other
39 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
He who fights with monsters should be careful lest he thereby become a monster. And if thou gaze long into an abyss, the abyss will also gaze into thee.

#1169 Fiction
nbonvillian BRONZE, Harahan, Louisiana
1 article 0 photos 0 comments
#1170 Fiction
By starfeather PLATINUM
Olathe, Kansas
starfeather PLATINUM, Olathe, Kansas
21 articles 0 photos 62 comments

Favorite Quote:
AD ASTRA PER ASPERA- to the stars, through difficulties.