I am a puppy | Teen Ink

I am a puppy

May 23, 2018
By writergirlahs321 SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
writergirlahs321 SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
9 articles 0 photos 0 comments

The family of four just put their dog down and it was time to adopt a little puppy. It was the time of the year where all the snow was melting and the weather started to warm. The worst nightmare for a Puppy in a new yard.
Once they arrived home with the Puppy all he wanted to do was run wild in the wet grass. The family decided to keep a close eye on him and not let him outside. They took the Puppy inside and realized that he wouldn’t be able to sit inside all day because of how adventurous he is.
The Puppy was finally let outside and he ran wild. He wasn’t looking back as he was jumping through puddles and running through the mud knowing he will be in trouble after. Not worrying about what the consequences will be the Puppy just enjoys his time.
Now that it’s time to go in the Puppy is worried about what will happen. He slowly walks in thinking that he is about to get in trouble to then realizing that the family is laughing and just happy that he is there with them.

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