I Forgot the Audience | Teen Ink

I Forgot the Audience

June 3, 2016
By Aleesia_Joy BRONZE, Putney, Vermont
Aleesia_Joy BRONZE, Putney, Vermont
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“In about three minutes Oliver Smith will be up” Oh no that’s me. I’ve got this, I have this memorized. Okay quick run through -Big City Speech/ by W.S. Di Piero¹ /Use me /Abuse me /turn wheels of fire/ on manhole hot heads/ sing me/ sour me/ secrete dark matters sheen/ on our smarting skin/ rise and shine/ in puddle shallows/ under every meryl sheryl caleb syd/ somnambulist and sleepy head/ wake us/ speak to us/- oh no whats next I don’t have my paper, um okay -Wake us/ speak to us/ bless what you’ve nurtured in your pits/ the rats voles roaches and all outlivers/ of your obscene ethics and politics/ crawl on us/ fall on us/ you elevations that break and vein/ down to sulfuric fiber optic wrecks/ through… through… through… uh through drill bit dirt to bedrock/ beat our brows/ flee our sorrows/ sleep tight with your ultraviolets/ righteous mica and drainage seeps/ your gorgeous container ships/ and cab top numbers squinting in the mist.- I did it okay I’m good, I’m good. Alright let's do this I got this.

“Next up Oliver Smith.” A roar of cheers and claps from the audience as I walk on stage. I walk towards the two by two foot square that I must stay in. I look up and start to recited. Big city Speech/ by W.S. Di Piero I can feel my lips moving but no sound is coming out. I start again Big City Speech/ by W.S.Di Piero Use me Abuse me. Again no sound the only sound I hear is the murmuring of the audience.

“Whenever you’re ready, Oliver.”

“Okay, I think I’m ready now,” I answer, smiling that the words came out this time.

“Okay, you can start now.”

“Big City Speech/ by W.S. Di Piero” I say quietly only audible for me to hear.

“Please speak up Oliver.”

“Big City Speech/ by W. S. Di Piero/ Use me/ Abuse me/ Turn wheels of fire/ on manhole hotheads/ sing me/ sour me/ secrete dark matters sheen/ on our smarting skin/ rise and shine/ in puddle shallows/ under every meryl sheryl caleb syd/ somnambulist and sleepy head/ wake us/ speak to us/ bless what you’ve nurtured in your pits/ the rats voles roaches and all outlivers/ of your obscene ethics and politics/ crawl on us/ fall on us/ you elevation that break and vein/ down to sulfuric fiber optic wrecks/ through drill bit dirt to bedrock/ beat our brows/ flee our sorrows/ sleep tight with your ultraviolets/ righteous mica and drainage seeps/ your gorgeous color chart container ships/ and cap top numbers squinting in the mist.” I finish hoping I was loud enough for everyone to hear. Then the audience stands up and whoops and claps.  I did it I got through I recited it, I’m done, I’m home free.


¹Di Piero, W. S. "Poetry/ Big City Speech." Poetry Foundation. Poetry Foundation, n.d. Web. 28 Apr. 2016.

The author's comments:

It's about stage fright.

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