A Dark & Stormy Night... | Teen Ink

A Dark & Stormy Night...

May 5, 2016
By CamMakenzie BRONZE, Olathe, Kansas
CamMakenzie BRONZE, Olathe, Kansas
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

   It was a dark and stormy night in Kansas. It was pitch black outside with only the moon illuminating the night sky. The wind shook the leaves in the trees, soon it got stronger and began to knock over trash cans and patio chairs. There was a howling through the empty streets. It slowly began to rain, one drop after another. Drip, drip, plop. The rain began to fall faster and harder. Rabbits ran for cover under cars and patio decks. You could hear the rain beating against cars and the roofs of houses. It sounded like dozen of tiny feet running.  Pit, pat, pit, pat. Soon there was a huge clap of thunder, over and over, it sounded like nature was applauding. Clap, clap, clap. Dogs and children were awoken by the clapping and ran for safety in the bed of their parents. The plops and claps continued, the wind continued to howl. This time taking garden accessories with it. As the time passed, the plops, claps and howls begun to stop. It was silent again. The sun rose as the birds chirped. Parents woke their children for school and as they looked outside they wondered if there was a storm last night.  

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