Mirror, Mirror | Teen Ink

Mirror, Mirror

May 1, 2016
By jenelleranallo BRONZE, Amherst, New York
jenelleranallo BRONZE, Amherst, New York
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Hung against the wall, staring at nothing. Anxiety eats away at my frame waiting. My image is these pale walls surrounding me, leading me to the darkness of my reflective mind. Blank. Just blank walls, white as the teeth of the girl I love. Her eyes shine with a deep blue filled with buried treasure that fascinates me. her body radiants colors like an elegant tye-dye, exciting me. She is a wild flower. My body shook as the slamming of a door fills my thoughts intertwining, making my mind a jumbled mess. The plastic fan stares me down making me squirm at the thought. He hums while pacing side to side, mocking me mirror, mirror. Our staring match was put to a halt by two feet trudging against the deteriorating carpet. The girl lone behold in front of me, blended together with the pale medical walls. Her taut body stood in front of me, as my eyes undress her, she flinches with a single tear. Crackling sobs repel off me and cling onto her, cutting on her willow skin with dark scarlet. I watch as my once pretty girl crumbled in my hands, making my stomach churn with ease. She wails while tears fall like rain but burn like fire, profanities escape her swollen lips. Her tiny hand punches and slaps against her overgrown stomach, screaming fat,ugly,worthless. Her knees give out and I watch her skeleton body collapse over them. Her raw eyes flooded with water, while she took in short breaths.What happened to my pretty girl I once knew? Mirror, mirror on the wall where’s the girl who’s fair and tall? Where are her blue eyes that take me swimming? Mind over matter, my hearts shattered. Suddenly, her fatigued muscles struggled as she attempted to rise once again. Frantic, she grabbed the buzzing fan, ready to burst. Her busted lips whispered solemnly
“I hate you.” and lifted the fan. and so with a brutal force the fan charged towards me,
she screamed as the last strand dropped me off the wall. Causing me to fall to my death.

The author's comments:

Looking through the eyes of a mirror of a deteriotrating girl 

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