Realistic Fiction Piece | Teen Ink

Realistic Fiction Piece

February 12, 2016
By Amrit_A BRONZE, Larchmont, New York
Amrit_A BRONZE, Larchmont, New York
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

“‘Why are you asking about that book? Why is everyone asking about that book? First my teacher, then my friend, and now you,” I asked myself.

All the books in the world disappeared, and they were all replaced by a single book, called the ‘Realistic Fiction Piece.’ This piece was dreadful. I had found out in school, because the librarians were yelling at each other. They were saying that a person called Danielle did it.


I thought they had gone crazy, because Danielle, my teacher, wouldn’t do anything like that. SURELY she wouldn’t! It was said that if you read it, you could only write realistic fiction pieces for the rest of your life. It was a curse. And of course, kids were daring each other to read it.

I returned my writing class, the next morning. It turned out that the curse had not spread. Strangely, at the same time of the day. I begun to question whether or not they were causing the problems of the disappearance of books. I decided to investigate.”

“Well that concludes chapter one of the Realistic Fiction Piece” said Danielle.”and the first session of writing class!”

OH NO, why did danielle read us that book. I think she really wants me to write realistic fiction. When I get home i’ll see if I can write something else.

When I got home, I decided to test my writing skills, to see if they had been cursed. I grabbed my computer and put it on my desk. When I lifted the screen, I found that all the keys were missing, and there was a sign saying “Only realistic pieces from now on. ~Signed Danielle.” 

I think I finally found a working computer. I have been looking for 3 hours, and I finally found a computer from the 1980s. Half the keys were broken, and I could tell danielle tried to break it, but none of the keys. were taken off, I think they were superglued on. I finally accessed the internet in 2 minutes. It was running the first version of internet explorer. I got onto my google drive page but it said “web browser not supported. “UGHHGHHGGHGHG” I said and I kicked the machine. Downloading software, it stated. Ten minutes later I was on and I started to write a story.

I was three sentences into the story, when danielle appeared. She was sitting in her robot and she yelled in the loudspeaker, “YOU SHALL NOT WRITE A NON-REALISTIC FICTION PIECE.” She picked up the computer and hurled it across the city.

Oh no it really is a curse. I really cannot write realistic fiction pieces. Danielle walked away, crushing buildings in her path and scattering people everywhere with flames shooting out from her hands.

I realized that I did not have a chance against Danielle. I decided I was left with only one choice. I had to write by hand, and not on the computer. I had not done this in years, and I was feeling uneasy. I went to the store and tried to buy a notebook and pencil, but sadly they were out of stock. I went to the next store, and they were also out of stock. Hmmmm. I wonder where all the notebooks and pencils went. I decided to go home and investigate.

I turned on the tv, and tuned into the news channel. “Breaking News, World Crisis, it said, worldwide pencil and notebook company stocks have dropped by 50% percent. The reason, well you’ll have to see our ads, before you find out.”

I waited 12 minutes, and he finally started talking again.

“The reason, why the stocks have fallen is because all the pencils and notebooks in the world have been stolen, by someone named danielle, and the supply cannot keep up with the demand. Every time a pencil or a notebook is made, it is stolen by Danielle.

“OH NO, I can’t even write with my hand! OH NO!”

I was dreading tomorrow, I had to confront danielle because I had class tomorrow.

Ugh, I don’t think I will be able to write anything but realistic fiction ever again in my life.
I walked slowly to class, and I was thankfully 10 minutes late.

The area looked deserted even though it was packed with kids. They all look scared, like they had seen a ghost. “Must write stories...” they all mumbled.

“Oh hey, That’s like the wifi password.” I exclaimed.

“Hi Timmy.....” said Danielle, without ending the sentence.
“Uhh, hi.” I replied. “What’s going on.”
“I just had to brainwash everyone, because they weren’t writing realistic fiction.

Hmm I thought, what should I do? I decided I could only do one thing.
I had to brainwash danielle befor she brainwashed me. There’s only one problem, I have to learn how to brainwash someone before she can brainwash me.

I ran out quickly, like I had just seen a robot. Well, Danielle was in a robot suit, so I guess I kinda did. I made my way to the nearest library, where I looked for a book on brainwashing. No luck.

I don’t think I will ever be able to write realistic fiction ever again. I have to write something. If I write realistic fiction then I might become brainwashed, just like everyone else. AHA! I got it. I have to get danielle to write realistic fiction, then I can write regular stories!

I slowly walk back, not knowing if I should go through with my plan or not. It looks, very different than it did before. The curtains had changed changed color. They were now green and the all pointed to a single room. It was danielle’s office. I walked in but danielle was not there, instead there was a passageway to a place called wri4pia. I walked in slowly, The walls were lined with computers, and as I walked in the door closed, with a sign that said “REALISTIC FICTION ONLY.”

I decided to check on one of the computers, and saw that the keys were broken. I realized what I saw on the news was true. All of the keys on all of the computers were broken. Then I saw, Danielle’s computer; Danielle was not around so I decided to see what her plans were.

Every document on her computer said,

I got it! I have to change the plans on her computer.

...delete...delete...delete...replace with...Plans: Must make myself write sci-fi.

I hear danielle’s footsteps, The door opened and I decided I had to somehow get through the window, I was through the window, when I heard danielle walk in. I hope she didn’t see me.

I heard her whisper through the window, I wonder where he went. HE WILL HAVE TO WRITE REALISTIC FICTION, WHEN I TRACK HIM DOWN.
I ran as fast as I could to my apartment, and I locked the door, and threw all my furniture against it. I decide that I have to wait for Danielle to find me before I deal with her. I had some time to think. Maybe it's better if I try to write realistic fiction, I will see what Danielle is talking about. Hmmm... “No, I don’t think so.” I thought to myself. “What if I just brainwash her!” I yelled out. “Great plan!” How about, I just stick to my normal plan. I am just going to wait here, until danielle gets brainwashed by her own plans. Now Danielle will feel what it’s like to write something they don’t want to. MWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA.

“Where is he???” Danielle scratched her head, wondering where he went. “I thought I just heard the door close.  He must have gone back to his apartment.”
Danielle checked her plan on her computer. Hmm, it says, “Must write sci-fi, because I can catch Timmy that way.” Seems right, she thought. Danielle sat down with the only computer left in the world and started to write. “Once upon a time, there was a martian named Danielle. Timmy was an earthling. They had a fight over writing realistic fiction and Danielle won. The end.”
Oh no, what have I done. I have...... wrote SCI-FI!!!! She felt like she betrayed herself.

Breaking News: “Master-Villain Danielle, has given up the battle, forcing the world to write only realistic fiction after reading the Realistic Fiction Piece. All of these books have been sent into space on a nuke, and it has been banned in over 2393019 countries.”

Timmy was at home watching the replay of the news for the hundredth time. He was cursed, because his eyes could not leave the TV. By now, Timmy didn’t even remember what had happened. All he knew was that Danielle wrote sci-fi, and that was all that mattered.

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