The Haunted Prank | Teen Ink

The Haunted Prank

November 18, 2015
By fireboy123 BRONZE, Cupertino, California
fireboy123 BRONZE, Cupertino, California
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

    Jake sprinted with all his might through the dark, long, and spooky hallway, trying to get to a lit room. He was scared and excited to see what was at the end of this mysterious hallway. He was being aware of the things around him because he does not want to jump scared by a cardboard witch. He runs towards the end of the hallway, opens a door to the lit room, and felt a bunch of mixed emotions.10 year old Jake is at home, getting ready to go trick or treating with his friend. His room was filled with scary posters and the front of his door had a skull on it and message under saying “Do not enter.” He went into his big closet, took out his grim reaper costume and mask and changed. He opened the door and saw his mother dressed as a zombie queen was waiting outside. “Remember to be careful when roaming around the neighborhood. There have been some suspicious activity going on the city, and don’t want to see you bleeding in my house,” said Jake’s mom. “Don’t worry, i’ll be watching out for any danger,” Jake replied sarcastically.  Jake sprinted outside, taking his phone, keys, and bag with him.

     Jake ran and went to go get his two best friends, Carlos and Ethan. When they got together, they began to start trick or treating. They ran to each house trying to fill their bags as fast as they can. They started to get tired after running to the past forty houses. Their bags were half filled and there tongues starting to get blue from sucking on a lollipop. Suddenly, they heard a mysterious sound. “What was that.” asked Jake. They heard strange sounds and found a slip of paper saying in ketchup “Follow me.” It’s a GHOST” screamed Carlos. Jake got a head start and ran back home trembling in fear. Carlos and Ethan followed Jek toward a shadow. The boys stopped running and looked at the shadow. It started to move, and  the boys followed it. The shadow led the group of boys toward a clubhouse.
     The group of boys were frightened to go inside the house. Jake kept hearing the soft and creepy noises. So he went in with his friends following him. On the wall was a message in fake blood saying, “Welcome to the House of Horrors, a house which tests you to your limits and represents your bravery. See you on the other side.” The group slowly walked into an empty room with a lamp and a ping pong table. One of the boys wanted to play a game of ping pong and forget this. But the others were curious to find out more. Jake felt like he was in a horror movie, and he was very excited. He went back to the main entrance and went into another room that said do not enter and saw a chest. He turned around and found a light. Before he could reach it, there was a loud rumble. It was the chest. He opened the chest and skeleton with a santa hat popped up out of nowhere. The skull fell of the body so he reached for the skull and put it in his candy bag and turned on the light. He went back to the room with his friends, but could not find them. He found another message saying, “I got your friends, you need to pass my test to get them back.” Jake’s heart pounded in fear. He dropped his candy bag and ran to the exit, but it was locked. “Is this even real, or am I dreaming,” Jake thought in fear, “well, we’re about to find out.” Jake heard a weird sound and followed it toward a hallway. At the end of the hall is a door. he ran toward the door and when he opened it, his eyes widened.
     Jake saw his friends and his mom watching a bunch of cameras and that was set up inside the clubhouse. Jake took a moment to see what was going on. He then finally realized that he was being pranked by his mom. He started screamed at his crazy mother. “You didn’t want me to bleed,” Jake yelled furiously, “but i was bleeding in fear when santa clause’s skeleton tried to jump at me with a christmas death hug.” Jake yelled furiously. His mother laughed hard. Next to Jake was a bowl of candy. He took the bowl and ran home. He reached for his pocket, and couldn’t find his keys. Then he knew that his keys are in the bag, which is in the haunted clubhouse.

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