Gas station | Teen Ink

Gas station

November 18, 2015
By Kellypz BRONZE, Sacramento, City, California
Kellypz BRONZE, Sacramento, City, California
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Respect all fear none" - Kinjaz

My mom wanted it to go somewhere but she notice her car gas was almost done. So she told my dad to take her car to go pump gas for her while she is still cooking for my siblings.
My dad says, “Okay”
Then he asked me “did you want to go with me?”
I answer “yeah!”
So we both left to the gas station. In the car my dad was driving while I was sitting at the back looking out at the window listening to Hmong songs on the radio and singing alone.
When we both got there dad asked,
“You want to come with me? Or stay inside the car?”
I answer “sure! I’ll go with you”
Then we both went inside the car. So I went inside and follow my dad around and it got pretty boring. We both walk by the candy section I notice it was candies I was going to ask my dad but I was scare that he might say no or didn’t have enough money. Then I looked around to see if there were any cameras but there was only one and it was far away from the candies area and there was no door alarm too. The gas station it’s very small and ghetto I barely see people come there, I told my dad that I’ll be back and he didn’t say anything he just look at me then went back to what he was doing. I walked around for a little while then turn the other way going toward where the candies were at. I was wearing a huge jacket on that day because it was really raining and cold.

I don’t know how many candies I took but I remember I took a lot of them. After that I went to go walk around for a little while acting like nothing happen putting my hands in my pocket and went back to my dad. I was nervous. After my dad pay for the gas we both left the store. Dad went to go pump gas and I went inside the car first and I took out the candies and start eating them. My dad came inside he was about to start the car but he looked back and saw me eating the candies. I stop and looked at him and my heart start to beat really fast and I start feeling very nervous my face turn very red.
He asked “how did you get that?”
So I confess that I stole it from the store because I was craving for some and I was afraid to ask him because he might not have enough money. My dad lectures me about stealing and told me
“Just ask me next time alright? Stealing is not good.”
I said “okay I will!”

What I learn from that is it was pretty stupid I was just a kid not knowing anything I was only 6 or 7 years old when that happens. I’m not afraid to ask and I don’t steal anymore because that’s bad when it’s not even mines at first. I remember I feel so guilty after stealing that candy thinking no one would catch me but my dad did. When you’re a kid you don’t know anything and do stupid little things but that’s fine because it’s normal. Thinking back about it I feel stupid but at the same time I don’t really care because I was a kid I want some candies.

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