(Twisted Fate) Teaser | Teen Ink

(Twisted Fate) Teaser

October 29, 2015
By Aryany BRONZE, San Antonio, Texas
Aryany BRONZE, San Antonio, Texas
2 articles 0 photos 2 comments

Favorite Quote:
Not all Darkness is equal to evil as Not all Light is equal to good.
Many dreams my falter but the only was to fail it to give up.

He had gun to my mother’s head and there was one at my father’s as well.
“Why Azrael” I choked through the overwhelming tears.
He looked at me with hate, pain and some sort of fear that I could not recognize
.”BECAUSE YOU ARE THE REASON WHY SHE WILL NEVER LOVE ME !!!” he yelled clenching his teeth together.
“Azrael why my parents? They have done nothing to you” my tear of fear still running down my face.
My father shifted in his seat; looking like the was getting ready to do something. Azrael pushed the gun harder against his head.
“Don’t move or you life is mine” he then looked up at me “With all the training you have had why do just stand there miss perfect ”
“If I try I know that I will lose my parents.”
He scoffed wickedly at me”Indeed you will, I lost Sara to you, so you are going to lose parents to me”
I could not stop crying looking from Azrael to my father. He was looking at me with loving eyes, and mouthed ; I love you my sweet bear. Take care of mama bear and I will see you both in paradise one day.
I cried out as Father jumped up kicking the gun pointed at mother. He went to go for the one that was pointed at him, but it was too late. I hear a gun shoot, and my ear started to ring. When I could get my head to focus I saw my father. He  was on the ground a trail of blood coming from him 
“DADDY ” I ran to him kneeling in the blood.
My mother had jumped up with Father, and had pined Azrael to the wall by his throat.
“Lillya will you please call the police ” my mother had anger and sadness in her voice
“Y...yes mama ” I managed to get out while pulling out my phone.

“Hello 911” I started crying looking at my father. The blood seeping into my jeans.
On the other side of the phone some burly voice woman was telling me to stay calm and tell her where I was at and my name. I told my name and where I was at and what had just happened. Within ten minutes there were cops putting Azrael in cuffs, a person covering my father, and someone asking my mother and I questions.
Mother hugged me when I began to cry as two people loaded Father into the ambulance and drove away.

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