My Perfect Fall Day | Teen Ink

My Perfect Fall Day

October 27, 2015
By audreymunce GOLD, Lee\\\'s Summit, Missouri
audreymunce GOLD, Lee\\\'s Summit, Missouri
15 articles 1 photo 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
I loved him, not for the way he danced with my angels.... But for the way the sound of his name could silence my demons.

     The sun is high in the sky, shining down on me. The sun is always so lively, unlike me. The leaves crunch under my boots as I walk to the place I have felt comfort in since the day I found it. My flannel wrapped around my body tightly for warmth, I make my way towards the half built tree house that has been my “shoulder” to cry on when I had no one else. Climbing up on the wooden frame gives me a feeling I wish I could have more, a feeling of home. This half built tree house might not be much to others, but to me, it’s my everything. One of my favorite feelings in the world is when you can be alone but not feel alone. I have that here. My eyes close as I sit down on the old wooden boards and I’m home.
     My senses have been taken over and the sadness I had felt only moments before disappears. With no one around I can be me, I don’t have to hide but to tell you truth I am hiding. I ran away once again, with tears in my eyes because the father that once treated me like daddy’s little princess now has an evil queen. Some how when I come here I don’t have to think about that, the cool air clears my mind just like it clears my nose.
     I’ve been gone for a few hours, still no one has come looking for me because well, my dad is probably busy with his fiancé’s kids. No one notices when I come here and that’s how I like it because then no one can tell me to come back. The sun begins to set, warning me that the day is almost over. The sun is dying for the day, and now it’s my turn. By now the tears have dried and what’s left is the arid feeling you get when a single tear dries on the side of your cheek. 

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