A Dancer On A Journey | Teen Ink

A Dancer On A Journey

October 18, 2015
By satyamari BRONZE, Palm Desert, California
satyamari BRONZE, Palm Desert, California
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

The smell of avocado and honey filled my nose. The feeling of thick cold avocado and honey stuck to my face. The taste of cucumbers sliding under my eyes and into my mouth was sweet and crunchy.

It had been the best day, an hour of dance, a special surprise at the Spa and a gift of a Tiffany’s bracelet. You could say it was my birthday but I will tell you it was the best day of my life!

Here’s what happened…..I was just waking up when I heard the sound of the mailman stopping in front of my house. I ran outside, quickly grabbed the mail and rushed back inside before anyone could see me in my buffalo pajamas. The letter was addressed to me from the San Francisco Ballet Company. I felt a rush of excitement running through my veins. I carefully unravelled the envelope to see the first word exclaiming, CONGRATULATIONS. I had just been invited to move to San Francisco to dance with the San Francisco Ballet Company.

“So there you go,” I was ready to move and become the greatest dancer I could become.

My name is Satriana Mary Jones and I was only 13 and I was ready to take on San Francisco Ballet School. I was getting ready to tell all my friends the big news. Once I had gotten myself ready I waved goodbye to my mom then rode my bike to school.

I ran to them with excitement as I parked my bike at school. Then I announced my big news. Everyone was in shock and were very happy for me and also sad that I would be leaving.

It was my last day in town so I decided to talk to every person I knew and to enjoy the day. I gave each of my teachers a goodbye card. By the time school was over I ran to go outside and get picked up for dance class.

My friend and fellow dancer was 16 and she came every day to pick me up to take me to the dance studio after she finished high school. She was very nice and she lived a half hour away. Even when she was sick she would come to get me to dance.

So off we go to dance. As we came through the doors and huge congratulations shot out of everyone’s mouth. There were balloons, streamers, and cake. It felt like a big huge happy family. A massive smile erupted on my face. Within seconds of arriving everyone came around me wishing me good luck and saying, “I can’t believe it” and “Way to go.”

The clock struck three so I quickly changed into my ballet clothes and started class. Roberto, the dance teacher quickly showed up combination after combination until class was over. Everyone rushed out to grab some cake and celebrate with me.

We had cake and then watched the movie “First Position”. It was finally time to leave. I wished everybody goodbye and good luck giving them each a great big hug. It was time to head to the airport.

During the drive a strange tumbling and turning sensation came  into my stomach. I would not see anyone until Christmas and I knew no one in San Francisco. I had to do it though, I had to take on this challenge and dream and face my fears.

It was time to say goodbye. I got my suitcase out of the trunk and gave my mom and step dad a great big hug. Then off I went.

I was on my own now with thoughts running  wild in my head. After getting lost four or five times I found my way to my flight gate. I showed them my passport and then with a few steps I was on the plane waiting to go up and away to a different and new life.

The airplane started to move. I put a piece of gum in my mouth just in case my ears would hurt because of the pressure. I was out in a wonderland of sleep I felt I would never wake up from. The flight attendant woke me up, I was the last one on board. Now in a city where I only had a map to guide me.

As I passed all the exit signs and finally reached the doors that would take me outside, I paused, and let a few more people go out before me. I closed my eyes and imagined my life of four years in San Francisco at the San Francisco Ballet, then I opened my eyes and walked out the door.

A cool breeze stroked my face and I hugged my coat closer. It was a lot cooler in San Francisco. With a total surprise I saw my step sister in a car waiting for someone. “Was it me I wondered.” I ran to her and without a word she said to hop in. She explained that she has always wanted to live in San Francisco for a few years and that it would be a pleasure if I stayed with her. Warmth flooded inside me, it was like I was with my whole family.

I was ready, I had family, I had dance and I had my whole life ahead of me and I was ready to jump in. So off we went as excited as ever for our new journey ahead.

                                                                                                ……..not the end and not the beginning….

The author's comments:

In January I will be attending the Youth American Grande Prix. Companys like the San Fransisco Ballet will be watching. I wrote a Story that Might come true as a dream of myne.

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