Lucia | Teen Ink


May 25, 2015
By lucynodnol BRONZE, Petaluma, California
lucynodnol BRONZE, Petaluma, California
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Success. She grew up to have a perfect life, she told me. At 16, Lucy London wrote her first musical. She starred in multiple shows on Broadway after attending college; her true thinking break between the weight of parents in childhood, and the busy path of success in adulthood. However, after being in thirteen movies, with her name well known, she disappeared. Well, not literally, but people forgot about her; a Birdman movie lived. She knew at a young age that fame was not everything, and that everyone was a person just like her, but since she was already running fast on the track to success, she was not brave enough to change her veneer of nature influenced by civilization. Her resolution, she decided, was to continue on her path, but still help others by achieving morality. However, after being an adult and fulfilling her childhood dream of never doing drugs or drinking alcohol, a dream that she trusted herself with; she was diagnosed with polio, a disease which began to wither her muscles painfully away. She began to rely on painkillers and other medicinal drugs to murder the pain that only itself caused true happiness. Soon the drugs tore the person from her, and she became viciously evil, unable to stop. All her friends, her husband, everyone she had, left her, and she was thrown into an insane asylum. There she cried and muttered and clawed, constantly arguing against the chains tying her in to the fake opinions of the world. Reflecting back on her philosophical teenage existence, Lucy was a powerful girl, who had planned her life out in her early years. She understood what it meant to live, and started with the idea that she would find true happiness. Then, if she ever found herself sitting around, waiting to die, she decided that she would change to evil, or “the dark side”. Her life, with her love for bitter and sour tastes, her tolerance for cold temperatures, all added up, just as everything in the universe adds up. She understood, and I understand now, that she didn’t know who she was, but that was not important. Her identity morphed into new and abstract substances throughout her life, just as the wearing out and trading in of shoes. One year good, one year evil, and back again, was her pattern; a pattern that she liked very much. The importance of evil versus good, the cause of happiness from pain and pain from happiness, and the repetition of guided patterns in her life proved Lucy London to be a unique person, another one of her life goals. Whether she did bad or good to you, please honor her mischief in the most forgiving way, and know that she tried unsuccessfully to walk in your worn out shoes, which had a comfort that disgusted her.

The energy of nothing will destroy the universe

The author's comments:

This is a Eulogy.

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