This Is Why... | Teen Ink

This Is Why...

April 28, 2015
By njhank BRONZE, Point Hope, Alaska, Alaska
njhank BRONZE, Point Hope, Alaska, Alaska
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

The Sun and Nature loved each other very much.  The Sun gave Nature her beauty and made her plants grow so high so they would be that much closer.

One day, Nature started paying less attention to the Sun.  Day by day she ignored him a little more.  The Sun was furious and said, “You have forgotten me!  I will no longer give you my light.”  Then he disappeared into the grey clouds. 
Nature was scared.  She would die without the Sun.  Each day she withered and turned into dust, like her deserts.  Each day she called to the Sun, but he never came.
The Sun was sad and the little Moon comforted him.  The Sun payed little attention to the Moon and he felt very foolish, but they fell in love and created many Stars.
Every night Nature watched the Stars.  Nature and the Stars soon fell in love. 
The Moon was a nice moon and made the Sun share his light with Nature.  At night the Moon shared her light with Nature too.  The Sun forgave Nature and they became friends. 
Nature was thankful for the Sun, Moon, and the Stars.  They gave her life and beauty.  Nature and the Stars and the Sun and the Moon still love each other till this day.
This is why each day and night are so beautiful.  This is why the grass is so green and the waters are so blue.  This is why the Stars shimmer so bright and why the night is peaceful.

The author's comments:

Our class had an assignment to write our own myths.  The shimering stars, haunting moon, and the bright burning sun inspired me to write this myth.  Nature inspired me.  I really enjoyed writing this myth and I hope you enjoy it too.

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