The Move | Teen Ink

The Move

May 14, 2015
By darkassasin23 BRONZE, Sioux City, Iowa
darkassasin23 BRONZE, Sioux City, Iowa
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

The Move

“Back, back, back, and stop.” Joe directed the mover’s truck into a perfect position.
Chris put the vehicle into parked, grabbed his Coca-Cola from the cupholder, and opened the door. “Good to see you Joe,” Chris said as he took his last drink from the red can.
“How was the trip?”
“Long and boring. The radio did not work so it was just me and the sound of the truck.”
“Did you remember all of the furniture and appliances?”
“Yes. I got it all.”
“Good, let’s get to work.”
Chris unhooked the metal fastener and pulled up the door. He climbed inside and started to hand Joe the furniture. With a puzzled look on his face, Joe took the chair and put it into the garage. He did not remember having that chair in his old house. He decided it was just his bad memory. Ever since his three tours to Vietnam, his memory and hearing was becoming faint. Joe returned to the truck and continued to unload. Once again, he didn’t recognize the freezer that came out next. But he put it into the garage and moved on. Item after item, the truck was becoming empty. Darkness was setting in on the two men.
“All this work is making me hungry,” said Chris.
“Me too. Wanna go to the bar later?”
“Good idea. Haven’t been there to see the boys in a long time.”
“I need a Keystone light.”
“Me too. Let’s roll.”
The boys hopped into Chris’ old, rusted out Ford Bronco and headed to Martinsburg, Nebraska. As they were driving, Chris thought of all the good times they had in around the area. He remembered digging out his truck in the mud and walking home because he ran out of gas. They started to approach Martinsburg. They started seeing their old friends’ trucks and they became excited. Chris turned onto Main Street and the Bronco rolled into a parking spot outside of Bob’s Bar. They got out and walked in. As Chris stepped into the bar, the smell of Redman and meat hit him right away.
“Boy do I miss these days,” said Joe.
“It’s been awhile hasn’t it?”
“Oh yeah.”
The boys met their old pals and had some drinks. Joe even recognized the old bartender that has been there for years. Chris and Joe decided to leave and drive back to their house. They paid their tab and bought some more Redman. It was a silent ride home as it was a long day for both men. They decided to stop at the Jackson gas station and fill up. Joe went inside and bought a Coke. As Chris was filling up his rig, a mover’s truck rolled in. The truck parked just outside the store. A man dressed in city clothes got out and marched into the store. Chris saw Joe at the counter paying for his drink. All of a sudden, Joe’s eyes got big as he had just realized the reason he didn’t recognize the furniture and appliances from inside their truck was because it wasn’t their truck. Joe ran outside and got Chris. They talked to the city-dressed man and Chris explained that when he stopped in Wyoming to get his Coca-Cola, he must of accidentally hopped into the wrong truck and drove off. He felt like a complete idiot. The city-dressed man and Joe were furious as he drove half of the way to Michigan with the wrong truck. Joe and Chris told the man to follow them back to their house to exchange vehicles. Without hesitation, the city-dressed man hopped into the truck and followed the Bronco home.
“How could you do this Chris?”
“Joe, I’m sorry. It was an honest mistake.”

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