The Shadow | Teen Ink

The Shadow

March 28, 2015
By Alexis Watkins BRONZE, Cape Coral, Florida
Alexis Watkins BRONZE, Cape Coral, Florida
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

A man once a watch maker planned his life out. In just a few short years he will be retiring and spending eternity reading books and sipping tea. However he began to lose his way. One day while lying in bed he decided there must begin a fresh start. He wanted to find inspiration, a new purpose. Leaving behind all he knew and was, he began his journey. During his exploration he constantly relied on his compass for the way. Days and nights passed, always watching the sun rise and the moons’ cycle. While trekking through twilight, he stopped and gazed at the night sky as a star zoomed across the atmosphere.  He crossed his fingers and shut his eyes and made a self-assuring prayer. The next morning as he arose from his slumber, a ghost sat next to his camp site. The eyes of the man widened with shock and fright. The apparition handed him a black envelop and with a voice light and quiet, whispered, “I’ll be around.” The discouraged man refused the paper and the entity took a stand. The fire before them went from a simmering ash to a boasting flame. The man slowly opened the envelope and read the letter concealed inside. Looking up afraid and in disbelief, chucked the envelope in the fire. The ghosts’ stance transformed from defensive to disappointed. The translucent phantom raised an arm and directed his proof to the figure that lay beneath the man. Confused, the man turned, as he starred at the shadow of a horrid monster. The nails long and sharp with fur ruffled and towered like a giant. Baffled, the man covered his mouth as the specters head hung low. The shaded figure only grew. As it grew and spread across the earth, it engulfed all that it came across. From buildings to the highest mountains, and even the widest ocean; darkness encroached on all of the worlds’ wonders. Stumbling upon his own feet  tripping as he attempted to step backwards away from the vengeful umbra. Screams of fear rang in his ears from all over the globe. The man could feel the pain and suffering in his gut and death and ache in his heart. His head pounded with questions and hopes. Yet none of the emotions were of his own but of all those who faced the true form of his future self. He laid back down in agonizing pain and depression. The pulses of dread pierced his body in ways that deformed and tortured his soul. He stood weak in his knees and staggered to his things. Rummaging through his possessions, grabbed a black velvet bag and pulled out a razor-sharp knife. In a defensive movement, almost as a bee stinging an attacker, lunged himself at the ghost slashing through foggy nothingness. He tumbled on the floor as the ghost reappeared. Not angry or feeling betrayed the apparition looked grieved.
“I tried to warn you of the dangers you uphold inside. Trying to discover your true image, which I had delivered you, yet you still refuse the truth. Only you can change who you are and what you become. Yes inside there is much betrayal and suffering, but the past much be forgiven and merely used as a lesson. Dwelling on the past will lead you nowhere in the future. The agitation boiling inside you is only feeding the true beast residing and developing.”
The mans’ attention went to the floor as he gripped the weapon turning the color in his fingers from tan to pale and blue showing the force and strength in his hand. Slowly drew in a breath knowing he was too far in anger to change. He knew the only way. A tear fell from his eyes and he fell to his knees.
“I’m sorry. My wife and my children murdered in their sleep buried and forgotten by no other monster worse than myself.” He bowed his head as blood poured from his core.
“Maybe one day I will be forgiven, and maybe that day I will learn to forgive myself.” His lifeless body dropped to the blood soaked ground. The ghost faded away. The man looked as if he was peacefully sleeping and again the fire tamed.

The author's comments:

No matter what you hide deep inside of yourself, one day it will come out and will tear you apart. Grudges, anger and such must be dropped in order to truly to be free.

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