One Roaring Sea | Teen Ink

One Roaring Sea

December 18, 2014
By courtneyg SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
courtneyg SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

It’s the one thing that terrifies me. I’m the thing it swallows whole. One roaring sea with secrets on its bed, and life roaming free. One who is ever moving, always adapting.

It’s strength is no secret. It’s thundering waves constantly crashing, a drum that never stops drumming. It grows and it shrinks, pulling the earth with every new tide. The moon pulling and pushing, this is how it moves.
Let one forget it’s force and they’ll be pulled, pulled down to be one more secret only told with time. Run, run, run away they say.
When I am just one more looking on from the shore, just one more in a crowd of people that are all the same, then I look to the sea. When there’s nothing left to look at except concrete. One who thrives despite being taken from. One who roars and roars and won’t ever stop. One whose purpose is to be and be, one whose secrets are anything but free.

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