The Homeless Games | Teen Ink

The Homeless Games

October 12, 2014
By SoccerDancer BRONZE, Cocoa, Florida
SoccerDancer BRONZE, Cocoa, Florida
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Nowadays, every city, every town seems to have vagrants loitering around. I don’t know how many times I have crossed the street to walk on the other side, so I didn’t have to walk past a homeless person - sitting against a wall pitifully with a sign begging for loose change. As someone who exercises and tries to keep my body in shape, I hate seeing how thin and undeveloped their muscle tone is as they stand there begging for food or money. It is difficult to find a good solution for this problem of these homeless people bothering us for support and to help them survive.
I have come up with a win-win solution - The Homeless Games! In the Games, there would be two homeless persons chosen from each town and sent to fight to the death with other homeless people once every six months. These people would not only be fighting to the death, but also for the chance to get a home. Why? Because the prize for winning The Homeless Games would be a house and enough money to buy all of the food they would ever need. These people would be trained before the Games began, and then placed on an island where they would fight to the death. It would be inhumane to show The Games on television so they would be monitored by certain officials in order to determine the winner. The homeless would have to fight others in order to survive, and as they kill the others, they are able to obtain anything that once belonged to the person they killed. At the end of the competition, when only one is left standing, they would be taken to a place of their choosing and be given a home with enough money and food for a lifetime.
This solution is a reasonable one because not only does it help to get the homeless out of the streets, and to not make us have to worry about avoiding them while walking, but it also give the homeless the chance to compete to be given a home and not be hungry any longer. And honestly, if they aren’t chosen for the Games, aren’t they going to die eventually anyways without the prize for winning?

May the abodes be ever in your favor.

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