"True Love" Gone Wrong | Teen Ink

"True Love" Gone Wrong

May 14, 2014
By Alonndra BRONZE, El Paso, Texas
Alonndra BRONZE, El Paso, Texas
3 articles 1 photo 0 comments

While hand-in-hand, there walked Valentine and Truth through a building on a mere ordinary date. This couple however was anything but ordinary. Valentine, a god who healed the weak in their health, was very sincere with his long term mortal girlfriend at the time. The petite lady was very generous and charismatic but kept a sense mystery deep within her jade eyes. Little did she know though of what Valentine was capable of. He never told her seeing that it was against the law of a mortal knowing specific detail of a god which in some cases led to chaos amongst the gods.

With such a fit and healthy body, Valentine walks with such a posture that led statues to tears. A sneeze or cough was never heard coming out of him throughout his life. He was respected by most of the gods due to the services towards the people. He was the perfect man a woman could ever have or so Truth thought. Within the distance was seen somewhat a familiar face that triggered in Valentine’s mind. It was his dear friend, Hermes, in mortal form. Without any hesitation, he told Truth that he had to talk to his friend that was coming their way.

“Valentine, Valentine!” It was squeaky but was voice that obviously came from a man. It was the voice that assured Valentine that it indeed was Hermes.

“I have come to bring you news from Aphrodite, the goddess of love and beauty,” he said with an out of breath voice.

“If you come all the way from Mount Olympus, then the news should be pretty significant. What is it that she wanted to let me know?” Valentine said in a monotone voice trying to hide his worry.

Hermes looked him straight in the eyes to prove how serious the situation had been and said, “She wants me to warn you that, the woman you are with will bring you great shame and misery if you do not leave her. She will cause pain to you and others as well.”

“I do not know what you are talking about, Hermes. She has been nothing but great with me and I will not leave her. Aphrodite is just jealous because she will be never this happily in love like I am right now. Leave like you came, Hermes, and tell her that there is no need to ruin this relationship,” replied Valentine with such a rage that even a volcano erupting couldn’t compete with him. He turned around towards Truth who was quietly standing by the exit door on her phone. Valentine turned back to see Hermes but he was gone within the flash of a second.

Over the next couple of days, he began to grow suspicious of what Truth was actually doing while she wasn’t at work. The thought bewildered his mind to the point where he just wanted to know. She would never come just straight back home with him; she was always gone for a few hours. He always thought that she went to eat out with her friends or may watch a movie but he never had the nerve to ask. It wasn’t until one day; the anxiousness took over him and followed her from work. Truth worked at a clinic, one of the main reasons that made her more attractive towards Valentine. He waited outside the clinic for a few but uneasy hours. It was 5 pm when Truth left the clinic but she never walked towards her car which was on the right side of the parking lot that was indicated for the nurses to park. She turned to the left side and got into a red Mini Copper that had a silhouette of a guy sitting inside. Valentine didn’t want to believe anything at first but it clicked in his mind that this is what Aphrodite could’ve been trying to show him. He followed the car until it came to a complete stop that was ten minutes away from the clinic. As he waited in the car, he saw them get out, hand-in-hand and walked towards the restaurant. Without a delay, Valentine stormed from the car and bolted straight towards them. Truth recognized him instantly and tried explaining.

All the anger within Valentine gathered turning his face red and making his fists clench up together. Valentine, whom had seemed like the perfect man, had revealed his flaws. He knew Truth was not being faithful and honest towards him and he had to do something in return. Truth was already healthy as she could be or at least for that split second she was. With all his anger, he grabbed her by the hand and sent her what was meant to be a disease. Truth, however, without knowledge of what was occurring just simply thought he was mad. Valentine left without a word from the restaurant door and from her life.

It wasn’t until after a year that Valentine concluded to heal her from her misery. He returned to what used to be their house together and found her with the man from that evening. Truth came to the door and it was noticed that she had lost all her hair. Valentine placed his hand over her head and tried 3 times to heal her but everything remained the same. Truth, not knowing what he was doing, demanded for him to leave for he was just acting silly towards her illness. Due to all his anger towards Truth, his supposedly “true love”, and all the lies within in the world, cancer was created. Valentine was stripped of his godly features by Zeus and was looked down on from the gods as a disappointment. The story of Valentine has never been heard due to embarrassment the gods had towards him. To this day cancer has still not been cured.

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