The Last Day | Teen Ink

The Last Day

May 5, 2014
By SavChia BRONZE, Metairie, Louisiana
SavChia BRONZE, Metairie, Louisiana
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

The Last Day

Today was my day, I, King Hamlet would finally get the first ever-golden throne. If only I knew that after this event, I would no longer be able to look forward to anything else. Although I am overjoyed with the fact that I will be the first person in the entire world to get a golden throne, I can only think of my brother, Claudius, who is furious. He is what I call a one-upper. A one-upper is someone who always has to top your best accomplishments with something better. I think back to the time of when I was finally old enough to get a tricycle. I was so excited to get home and show Claudius my new royal blue training wheels. When I got home Claudius just looked at them and laughed; he then showed me his bike and how he no longer needed his training wheels. I knew he was not happy about this whole situation but I brush him off because I think its time that I get something amazing for once without him stealing my sense of accomplishment.
I feel pleased and thankful that my wife, Gertrude, and my son, Hamlet, are planning a festival on behalf of the golden throne being installed tomorrow. I invite Claudius who declines because he is too busy trying to think of how to top me on this one. I walk around my kitchen watching as my chefs start cooking and my bakers start baking. I smell the sweet aroma of chocolate chip cookies and the savory smell of hamburgers wrapped in bacon. The bacon scent is so strong that my mouth starts watering; I start to taste the greasy deliciousness. I pull Hamlet aside and inform him that since he received the new job at Taco Bell, he can now be in charge of the Taco Bell booth at the festival. Hamlet looks up to me and I feel that it is important to show him the worth of a dollar. As I am walking around the courtyard, I see a glimpse of Claudius behind a tree. It felt as if he was watching me from afar. Since he is my flesh and blood, I didn’t think anything of it any went on with my day. Evening sets in and I am going to see Hamlet, but as I pass through the living room I couldn’t believe my eyes. I see a silhouette of a person standing in my double doors. My hearts starts to pound so fast that I feel my skin moving up and down. Goosebumps start popping up faster than popcorn. I turn around and take a deep breath hoping that it was just a figment of my imagination. I keep a calm act going until I turn around to see that there is no longer any silhouette. I am now done for the night because I don’t think I can take much more scares like that. As nighttime approaches, I make sure that everything is ready for the big day tomorrow. I climb into my comfy bed with pillows full of feathers and a mattress full of foam. The feeling of lying down and kicking my feet up is so satisfying that I never want to get up again. I start to toss and turn because I can’t fall asleep due to the fact that Claudius won’t leave my mind. I think of why he was spying on me today, and I think of the idea that the silhouette could have been him also. I feel the warm, comforting body heat from Gertrude lying next to me. The sound of her breathing puts me to sleep instantly.

The time is now; the day is here for my golden throne to be installed. I wake up and head straight for my bathroom. I feel rejuvenated and energized to head into today with my head held high. I step into the steaming shower and let the hot water wake up all my veins. As the water drips down my body I soon realize that I am ready to finally one-up my brother. As I get out I excitedly head to the kitchen to eat some breakfast. Gertrude informs me that the festival starts in thirty minutes and that the whole city is here to celebrate. I head to the courtyard and open the gates because all are invited to this wonderful event. As I turn around to head back to my adoring wife and child, my heart starts to palpitate very fast because I see Claudius behind a pillar on my porch. At this point I am not even excited he is here. As soon as he sees me watching him, he quickly scurries away.

The golden throne has arrived and everyone is gathered around to wait for the revealing. As the workers do there job, I realized that I haven’t used my mouthwash for today. I would let it slide but I have to make a speech to the city and I want to be as clean and as presentable as possible. I jog up to my room and enter my master bathroom. For some strange reason I feel as though I am being watched, but that assumption is nearly impossible so I don’t think anything of it. I reach for the mouthwash and pour it into my mouth. The tickling sensation disperses through my mouth; I start to feel the burning of the alcohol between my teeth. All of a sudden something doesn’t feel right; I start to feel an intense burning as though my gums are bleeding. When I spit out the mouthwash I am in awe to see red pour out. I try to scream but nothing can be heard but a gasp of air. I feel a heavy blow to the back of my head. I am out cold. My body is numb from head to toe and I see a bright light being aimed towards my eyes. As I open my eyes I see the face of someone familiar and I try to speak but since I cant I am forced to listen. My brain starts to function like normal as I become more aware of my surroundings. I see that I am tied to a chair with nothing but a lamp next to me. I hear the faint voices of the city cheering my name as they wait for me for reveal my brand new, first ever golden throne. I hear the voice of my own brother start to murmur words that I thought I would never hear him say. Claudius says, “I cannot believe you actually thought you would get someone this extravagant. Don’t you realize that you will never be as great as me? No one is around because your precious golden throne is about to be revealed and, honestly, no one wants to miss that. Now, I am going to kill you and once you die I will untie you and run outside screaming that I found you, the brother that I ‘love’ dead on the bathroom floor.” I am enraged with fury but since my mouth is burned from the mouthwash he messed with I cant express the way I feel through words. I see a huge syringe in my brother’s hand and my body starts to perspire like never before. I feel as though all the water inside my body is being released through my pores. Claudius walks forward, looks me straight into my eyes and says, “Oh yeah I almost forgot, I have always wanted something that you have had over me all these years, the position as king. After I kill you, I will marry Gertrude and become the new king of Denmark. Now, I suggest you close your eyes because this may hurt. Goodbye brother.” As those words left his mouth I feel a sharp needle enter my skin and impale one of my veins. My blood starts to slow its movement and I feel like everything in my body is melting. I can barely keep my eyes open; my last moments of sight are watching Claudius start untying and dragging me to the bathroom floor. By this time I am so numb that I don’t even know how to move any of my limbs. As my sight goes away I just lay there numb as morphine and as my hearing starts to fade I hear the faint screaming of Claudius outside announcing my death. As my smell fades, I start to smell the bacon scent fade from my numbing nostrils; I know that the pain is almost over. I slowly start to think of my family and how I will now be watching over them. I try to think of how everyone is reacting to this horrible situation but the thoughts soon fade until there is nothing left.

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