Smiles | Teen Ink


April 14, 2014
By mike.mcgarry25 SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
mike.mcgarry25 SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
7 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Some Smiles are able to brighten a room like a bright sunny day. My smile is said to be genuine. It is one of my greatest assets, i guess I'm lucky. People wish to have a bright smile. It is something you cannot see, but feel, I try to smile everyday, because no matter what happens life is good. If you don't see me smile you know that something is wrong, it is a way to show how i feel. It is like a glare on a window, noticeable. My smile is energetic. It can bring life to a boring day. But I get it from my family, my dad, has a normal smile, but i get it from my mother. Her smile is perfect, her teeth glisten in the sun when she strikes a grin. It is bright like a new glistening diamond. It is the first thing you notice about her, but I am not the only member that shares this characteristic, my sister and brother also do. We all have something that makes our smiles different, whether that would be how we use it, and how bright it is. People like different things about me, but that always say at least one common characteristic, and that is my smile

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