Playing the Melody | Teen Ink

Playing the Melody

November 8, 2008
By onemanband101 PLATINUM, Hackettstown, New Jersey
onemanband101 PLATINUM, Hackettstown, New Jersey
25 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I see them.

They standout, and I’m hiding. They get the attention, the love. They’re the person that leaves a mark on your life. You know the people you remember from kindergarten?

That’s them.

And who am I? I'm nobody. The person who’s name always slips your mind. The person who’s never heard. I’m in the crowd when you don’t even notice it.

But I guess that’s what happens when you don't playing the melody.

Does that mean I accept it? No. Do you accept things when you don’t get what you wanted?

But who said I didn’t want this? Maybe I do. Right now I’m not really sure though.

When you’re the most important are you allowed to mess up? Can you make mistakes? When everyone can hear you, can you bare to mess up?

Who said they were so important anyway? What about me? What about the others who don’t have the courage to play the melody?

Is it really us who are lacking the courage?

Those who play the melody, do you have the courage to play the beat? Do you have to set the pace? Do you need to set the standard? Do you have the courage to be looked over? To be hidden?

No, you follow.

You’re too busy following the crowed to try to lead. Is that courage? You can’t bear to be invisible, and at the same time work so hard to be a leader.

You’d never make it.

But I guess that’s what comes with playing the melody.


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