The Bright Red Ball | Teen Ink

The Bright Red Ball

March 12, 2014
By Austin Caslin BRONZE, Hartford, South Dakota
Austin Caslin BRONZE, Hartford, South Dakota
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Moving can be one of the toughest times of a person life, not always, but their is a strong possibility. My dad had been relocated to his new job in a town that I never even new existed, and I have an A+ in geography. We had to pack up our things and move to a town known as Ortinville, about a 4 hour drive from Charlottesville, where I used to live. It was the worst drive of my life, no one in my family talked to each other, neither my mom, dad or little brother, Danny, said a word the whole trip down.

Around the 3 hour mark, we needed gas and my little brother, Danny needed to go to the bathroom so we made a pit stop at this little gas station that looked like it hasn’t been used in years. A man walked out and asked what type of fuel we needed and when my dad answered with, un-lead, he started to fill our truck up. My mom asked if I could take Danny in to use the bathroom so I unbuckled him form his carseat and we walked on into the station.

My first thought was this an antiquate store? That gas station had a little bit of everything, different glass figurines, rusted toys with barely enough paint on the side to be able to depict the toys name, and ancient furniture. Danny and I finally found the sign to the bathroom and he went on inside. While I was waiting I could have sworn that I heard a person talking down the dark hallway next to the bathrooms.

“Who’s there?” I asked questionably. There was no response to my question so I went on a pounded on the door telling Danny to hurry up. “Just a minute.” Danny responded. Then a cold breeze hit the left side of my body and I turned to the left to faintly see a little girl standing in the far back of that dark hallway. My heart started to beat at a million miles an hour as I tried to think of what that figure was. I started to pound even harder on the door, not taking my eye off that girl down the hall and then Danny opened the door and I jumped back a little bit with a, startled look at the sight of him.

“Are you ok Walter? You look like you have seen a ghost.” Danny began to explain to me. “Look down there.” I explained. We both turned our heads down to the end of the hallway, there was nothing but a bright red ball that clearly stood out in the darkness. While Danny and I turned and begun to walk quickly towards the front door I, and I’m pretty sure Danny did too, heard a bouncing following behind us.

I tried to fight the urge to look behind me but my curiosity got the best of me and
as I turned my head, the ball was now sitting in front of the bathroom door that we had just left from. I quickly death gripped Danny’s hand and I ran as fast as I could toward the front door of the station and back to safety and comfort of my parents. When my parents looked at me running towards the car I could tell the new something was wrong. “What’s wrong, What happened?” the both began to quickly ask. Out of breath from running so fast I answered “There was this ball and it was down at the end of the hallway where the little girl was standing and starring at me and...” “Whoa, whoa. whoa...hold up” my mother interrupted my explanation “What do you mean a girl was starring at you down a dark hallway?” “There was, I swear. She was just standing there and looking at me.” “Are you sure?” my mother asked me. “I am pretty sure that a little girl wouldn’t just be standing and starring at you...especially in this kind of place.” “But, but, but...” I tried to explain to her. “No but’s now get in the truck, this place is kind of creepy.” “Ok.” I said sadly.

I helped Danny get into his car seat and then went over to my side and got in to my side. “Have a nice day.” the station worker that had filled our truck up with said as we were leaving. Just as we were leaving, I looked back for one last glimpse at the unusual situation that had just happened to me and as we drove away, there she was. The little girl was standing in the window starring at me and this time it was light enough for me to see her and she stood there, blood on her torn up with dress and she was holding the bright red ball.

I quickly turned back and shut my eyes hard enough so that no light could enter in. I eventually fell asleep for the rest of the trip and to my awakening, there it was. My new home that I would have to live in until I was old enough to live on my own. My first thoughts of starring up at the house and I thought of one of those huge houses that you would see in a old fashion horror movie.

“We’re here, we finally made it.” my dad said with, for some reason, a excited tone in his voice. I didn’t really understand why he was so happy, I actually thought he was going insane and lost his mind. “Lets start unpacking everyone, we have a lot of stuff to unpack.” my mother said. At least she didn’t act like she wanted to be here. Maybe I’m not the only person that doesn’t want to be here

I decided to go explore my new home, I mean Im forced to live so why not go and explore my new life. I walked up and to get to the front door, I needed to walk across the porch that looked like it was ready to cave in. I took a step on the first porch step and the creaking sound that it gave me sounded like it told me to turn back. I finally made it up the steps and onto the porch. I walked across with a chill shooting straight down my spin like someone was slowly taking their index finger and moving it up and down my spin.

I got to the front door, that looked like a Simi-Truck could easily drive threw it, and turned the knob and opened the door. I peered around door and took a peek on inside to find that it was an empty house. Finding the house empty gave me relief knowing that nothing could be hiding behind any furniture.

“Whats the house look like?” my father called out to me from the truck, which was about 30 feet away. “Empty and really dusty, get the cob-web duster out.” I replied. My father and mother just laughed at me and they walked up the porch and meet me at the door where my family all walked into our new lives. “Maybe this house isn't as bad as I thought it was going to be?” I explained to my family.

“Where is my room at?” Danny asked. “You and Walter’s rooms are upstair.” she told us, “You can go upstairs and find your rooms.” Danny took me upstairs and we checked out all the different rooms. Their were two rooms on each side of the hallway with a bathroom at the end. We went down to the end of the hall and we each got a room across form each other.

I walked into my room and it was a red bedroom with a walk-in closet and a bathroom. I liked my room the best because it was the second biggest room, next from the master bedroom which my parents had claimed. “This will be big enough to fit all of my toys in” I thought to my self when all of a sudden I heard Danny call out “Walter, Walter come look what I found!”

He sounded excited so I quickly rushed across the hallway to see Danny holding a journal in his right hand. “Look Walter” as he opened the journal and began to flip through the pages. There were different cartoon drawings on each page. “Looks like somebody that lived here before us like to draw.” I told him.

My parents came up and told us to come and help them carry boxes in before it got to late. The rest of the day I thought and thought to myself “How could that ball have gotten here?” It stumped me to the point where I just couldn’t wrap my finger around it. It was almost dark before we got the last of the boxes inside. I had all of my boxes with my toys and clothes up in my room where I sat and began to unbox and organize all of my toys into the toy boxes and on the shelves.

“Ok boys time for bed.” my mother told Danny and I. “Ok mom.” we both responded and , for the first time, I had finally got a room all to myself with no annoying little brothers to bother me anymore. “Ok goodnight Walter.” my mother said before turning off the lights and shutting the door behind her. The room was pitch black with only the light of the moon shining through my window to be able to see anything. With all of the thoughts of the bright red ball and the little girl rushing through my head I had finally fallen asleep.

My eyes shot open to the sound of a laughter, a little girls laughter. I walked to my bedroom door and opened slightly enough to barley see what was out in the hallway. The hallway was too dark to see anything so I turned my bedroom light on, opened the door all the way and turned the hallway light on. I looked around to find nothing there so I walked to my parents room.

I opened their door and walked inside. I went up to my mom and shook her shoulder, there was no response. I shook her shoulder a little more firmly. She didn't respond the second time and I began to panic. I took both hands and turned her over to face me and her face was all red. I touched her face and wiped the red stuff off and I realized that it was blood. Fresh blood.
I jumped up on her bed and found that my dad was also covered in blood.

The feeling of emptiness and abandonment filled my body and I began to feel tears rush down my face. The tears soon quickly stopped as the sound of someone standing right behind me. I turned around to face Danny standing there. “Walter what are you doing?” he asked me.
“Mom and dad are covered in blood.” I explained him. Then he just stood there so still that nothing would be able to make hime flinch.

My eyes were started to get as wide as an owls before they were basically poping right out of my head as the little girl form the gas station came out from behind him. My body was getting a rush when all of the lights had turned off. Then the lights came back on and they were gone. I ran for the front door to go and get help. I got to the stairs and started down them when something from behind had struck my in the head and the first step I hit everything went black.

I woke up to find myself on the floor. I had a huge headache and then my whole body started to suffer in pain. I tried to move but it was nearly impossible. I began to look around but it was still very dark and then out of the corner of my eye I saw a light. I turned my head to the top of the stairs where I saw the bright red ball and behind it was the little girl with the bloody dress. Then I saw Danny, who was standing next to the little girl and then behind them were my parents, blood dripping from their heads.

They started walking slowly down the stairs, step by step perfectly in sink with one another. I closed my eyes and when I opened them I was in my room. “Walter!” my mother was standing above me, “You must have had a bad dream.” “A dream?” I asked and then I started to look around to find that the sun was shining threw the blinds and my mother was not covered in blood.

“Yeah you must have been a pretty bad dream too because it took a while for you to wake up.” she told me. “Yeah their was a noise down the hallway so I got up to check on you and you were covered in blood and the little girl was standing right behind Danny...” “What?” she interrupted me. “Are you still thinking of that little girl?” she asked, “Forget about that girl ok. Now get ready and come down for breakfast.”

She left the room and thought to myself “It was really all a nightmare? Well Im glad that none of that really happened.” I got on a fresh pair of clothes for the day from one of the unpacked boxes and headed for the kitchen. I had just made it to the top of the stairs and as I took the first step’s down I heard a noise...a familiarly noise. I turned around and right at the end of the hall in the closet was the little girl with the bloody dress and in her hands was the bright red ball.

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