Never Looking Back | Teen Ink

Never Looking Back

March 3, 2014
By tiffanylynn95 BRONZE, Jarrell, Texas
tiffanylynn95 BRONZE, Jarrell, Texas
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Sometimes it is hard to believe that we live on the same planet, let alone in the same neighborhood. He acts like he is above everyone. He treats everyone like it’s his world and everyone else is just taking up space in it. He can make you feel like the lowest person but no one knows what goes on at home, no one but me that is.
He confides in me. No one actually expects us to be friends and at school we aren’t. At school I am no body to him, but we are actually best friends. No one would know that from looking at us. We are two totally different people. When we pass by each other in the hallways we don’t even acknowledge each other but that’s the way we like it. If no one knows you’re friends they can’t start drama about it.
At home his life isn’t as great but you would never know that from looking at him. Looking at him he is the happiest person there is. I can see through that only because I know the truth. He is looking forward to going out of state for college and leaving his family behind. Most kids aren’t, they will miss their families, but he won’t. He works two jobs and puts his money into his own trust fund so that he can get out of here. As graduation nears his days at home gets worse but he gets through it because he knows he will soon be gone and never looking back.

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