Snow Angel | Teen Ink

Snow Angel

February 1, 2014
By -Yin- SILVER, Falls Church, Virginia
-Yin- SILVER, Falls Church, Virginia
8 articles 5 photos 11 comments

Favorite Quote:
life goes on, with you or without you.

Snow fell quietly to the ground, glittering under the moonlight. Painted, a light blue with swirling purple hues. The water, a mirror to the night sky. It looked as if, you could swim among the stars, never breaking the fragile veil of reality. The snowflakes danced along the banks, tickling her nose, making her laugh with a childlike quality. Her hands were cold, red against the pure white of the tree she leaned against. Her face, surrounded by the fur on her hood, was whiter than the snow that sprinkled her soft, golden hair. She was lonely, but happy, for her memories were keeping her company. She laid down in the soft snow, loving the way it crunched beneath her, and dreamed. She stared into the stars, and gazed at the moon, beckoning them to grant her a wish. They listened to her, dreamed with her, and loved with her. As the snow softly cascaded to the ground around her, she waited for her lover. Singing, and dreaming for him.

The author's comments:
Love, and finding it, waiting for the moment, I promise... it WILL come.

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